Folding the clothes Kyo watched Hanako sew a kimono of hers, accidentally prick herself. "Ouch!"

Hanako sucked on her finger. Seeing this Kyo took out a small white handkerchief and wrap it around Hanako's finger.

It surprised Hanako though said nothing instead she went back to sewing not before thanking Kyo.

"Isn't that the same kimono you've wore at the snow festival just two weeks ago?" Kyo asked.

Hanako nod and smiled. "Yeah, actually it belonged to big sis when she was my age. Same with Tanjiro and my brothers, they get hand-me-downs from him."

Kyo's eyes saddened, he really wish he could work to earn at least a little money and buy whatever they needed or want without worries.

Since his stay Kyo saw how carefree the family become over the smallest things from a poch of candy to new clothing. It especially broke his heart to see how exhaust Tanjiro came home with only selling a few charcoal then going back to work in restocking.

"Hanako," Kyo called her name folding the last piece of clothes, "If I get a steady job and fair pay, I promise to replay you and your family."

Hanako's heart warmed. "Then we'll await the day you held on to your promise."

"Also Kyo?" she mumbled softly, "Please look after Tanjiro."

Kyo blinked he was hesitant at first but smiled. "I will."

"Don't worry Kyo, my son is the nicest person ever and one day will make a good husband." Kie giggled emerging from the kitchen.

Kyo blushed as image of Tanjiro wearing a shiromuku surfaced in his mind.

"Y-Yea a v-very good one!" He stammered with a huff, Kyo ignored the way Hanako and Kie tried to hide their smiles.

They heard the front door open and Kyo whirled his head excitedly, coming in was the rest of the family and Tanjiro. "We're back!" Nezuko announced taking off her shoes following Takeo and Shigeru inside.

Tanjiro came in after Nezuko and again the image of him wearing a shiromuku appear. "Stop thinking that you idiot!" He mentally berated himself.

"Hey, Kyo." Tanjiro greeted, sitting down next to the demon. "Helping Hanako with laundry?"

"Yep, we're just about done." Kyo told him feeling his face flush and straightened himself. "Anyways how did things go in town?"

Tanjiro smiled brilliantly, causing Kyo's breath to hitch at the sight. "It went well because we didn't saw you-know-who."

The demon chuckled, "That's good."

The two stop talking when they heard something clink on the floor. They turn and saw the youngest sibling holding the makoto silk sword bag then untying the string.

"Rokuta!" Tanjiro exclaimed running up to his brother with a concerned demon following behind him.

Tanjiro relaxed that his baby brother hadn't fully open the bag but he crossed his arms. "How many times have we told you? The nichirin isn't a toy." Grabbing the swore away from him.

He waved his finger in front of Rokuta like he was telling him to not touch it again. Understanding Rokuta walked over to Nezuko and sat on her lap, Tanjiro sighed unwrapping the bag since it was already open.

Knowing it was the same swore Kyo found, he started to wonder why the family had such weapon in their hands. Where did they get it? Or who gave it to them?

"Kyo, are you good?" Tanjiro asked, "You keep looking at the sword."

The demon looked up at Tanjiro and smiled. "Yes, I'm just wondering why you have it."

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