MHA Movie: Two heroes

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Narrator Pov

Early afternoon we can see Izuku very bored looking outside the plane and Izumi who was sleeping beside her, why are they on the plane you ask well this happen about a week ago

Flashback About a week ago

Izuku is bonding with Ciel and Rimuru in the throne room until Inko, Toshinori and Izumi went inside the throne room

Toshinori: " Izuku uhm Melissa called two days ago wanting to Invite us to I-island to surprise David on his new research do you want to come?"

Izuku: " Sure. Ri-chan, Ci-chan do you want to join us?"

Rimuru: " Sure it might be fun"

Ciel: " I will go where ever master and Izu-kun goes"

Inko: " Ok great we will be leaving tomorrow"

Izuku: " Eh we can just teleport there you know?"

Toshinori: " Nope no teleportation this is a family trip and for now no using powers, you have use them enough after the stain incident treat this like a vacation" Allmight wants Izuku to rest after stain incident

Izuku: " What but it's boring riding on a plane and i don't trust planes"

Izumi: " Why?"

Izuku: " Cause i don't have control over it....... Oh wait Izumi you can control it with your telekinesis to get us there faster"

Izumi: " Yeah i could do it"

Toshinori: " as i said no using quirks or powers and it will be fun you know"

Izuku: " aughhhh fine" Rimuru and Ciel just laugh a little seeing Izuku complaining

Flashback end

The plane was now almost arriving at I-island and Izuku smiled once he saw the Island again

Izuku: " Izumi wake up" Izuku wakes Izumi up

Izumi: " Onii-chan?"

Izuku: " We're almost there look" Izumi look to the window and saw I-island"

Rimuru: " This seems very beautiful"

Ciel: " Yes it's beautiful but Tempest is more beautiful and technological than this"

Rimuru: " Ciel you can't keep comparing other places with Tempest"

Izuku: " Ri-chan i never got to ask you about tempest, what does it look like?"

Rimuru then began telling Izuku of Tempest and showed Izuku her Memories and was amazed

Soon the plane landed and they were now going out

Izuku: " A fresh air at long last"

Izumi: " But it was only 30 mi-"Izuku cuts Izumi off by saying

Izuku: " Fresh air!!" Izumi didn't bother anymore as she knows nothing will come out of it if she continues to talk

Toshinori: " Oh wait i forgot we have to wear our hero costumes"

Izuku: " Do we really have to?" Izuku asked not wanting to wear his hero costume

Toshinori: " Yes we have to"

Izuku: " Fine" Izuku went back inside and so were the rest to change to there hero costume while Ciel and Rimuru were busy talking telepathically to someone

???: 'Rimuru please give me the new chapter of this sacred text!' A voice said inside Rimuru's mind

Rimuru: ' Ok ok i'll send it just stop yelling Veldora!!'

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