MHA Movie: Two Heroes Part 2

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Narrator Pov

???: " Uncle Allmight, Auntie Inko!!!" The Yagi family who were standing in the park look up and saw a beautiful blonde hair girl using a pogo stick

Allmight: " Melissa!!" The girl now known as Melissa jumped to allmight him

Inko: " Hi Melissa how are you? You have grown so beautiful"

Melissa: " Thanks Aunty and I am good, how are you both? By the way are these your students in U.A.?"

Allmight: " Were good and Actually"

Izuku: " I am hurt Mel-chan you forgot about us"

Izumi: " Yeah Meli-chan" Izuku and Izumi cries jokingly

Melissa: " Wait only two people call me that" Melissa then remembers who Izuku and Izumi and quickly hugs the both of them

Melissa: " Izuku, Izumi I missed you two so much!!"

Izuku: " Us too Mel-chan we miss you too"

Izumi: " Yeah Meli-chan" both Izumi and Izuku hugs back to her and Inko immediately took Pictures

Inko: " Awww they're so cute like when they were still 3 yrs old and melissa was 5"

Allmight: " Yeah you two were always clinging on Melissa"

Melissa: " Uncle Might Papa will be very surprise to see you again"

Allmight: " It's been so long since I have seen David and can't wait to meet an old Friend of mine"

Melissa: " Then let's go papa is already about to go home" Melissa immediately grab Izuku and Izumi's hands and ran to her papa's Laboratory

Meanwhile Somewhere on I-island

???: " Boss you someone is calling you" The boss grabs the phone and answered it

Boss: " Who is this?"

???: " Wolfram Allmight is in the Island"

The boss now know as wolfram was skeptical about the caller

Wolfram: " Why should i believe you?"

???: " You should believe me cause I know well in the future you will be beaten by allmight and his kids, but i will give you an opportunity to have the power to kill then all"

Wolfram: " Hmm power that can kill anyone how should i know this is true?"

???: " Look behind you" immediately wolfram looks behind and saw a man standing behind him, he felt something terrifying about the man standing his aura was full of hatred and malice

Wolfram: " Then i believe you give me the power to obliterate them"

???: " Good choice" the man Immediately hold Wolfram's Face and suddenly dark lights were beginning to form on Wolfram's body and a few minutes it disappeared

Wolfram: " *pants* I *pants feel so Powerful what is this?"

???: " You will know soon enough and don't disappoint me kill all of them" the man was about to disappear

Wolfram: " Who are you?" The man looks back

???: " I am someone who is serving a higher entity" the man immediately disappears

Wolfram: " Let's get back to work boys we have heroes to kill" Wolfram and the others were now preparing for the night"

Back to Izuku

All of them were now outside of David Shield's lab Melissa went in first and were waiting for the signal to come in

Melissa: " Papa I have a surprise for you i brought someone who is very close to you" then Allmight immediately came inside doing his usual Allmight stuff

Nihility Void Dragon Izuku [Book 1] On GoingOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora