Short filler chapter

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Izuku Pov

It's my Second day of training i am currently running my 3rd lap around the training around can't wait to find out what Rimuru-san will add in my training

Rimuru: " Ohayo I-kun your already here early"

I saw Rimuru-san arrived

Izuku: " Ohayo Rimuru-san, yeah i just don't want to disappoint you and Ciel-san so i will work harder and make you both proud"

Rimuru: " You don't need to do that I-kun i am already proud of you that you are determine and very commit to your dreams and goal"

Ciel: 'Yeah Izuku-kun you don't need to try hard for us were already proud of you especially me'

Rimuru Pov

'Tsk' Ciel is being unfair again he is my successor how does ciel do it hmm i feel like ciel is having a smug look

Ciel: 'Fufufufu master is jealous izuku-kun loves me more' Ciel said having a smug look

'Tsk' i got irritated every time Ciel does that hmm i know now I then formed a smile on my face

Rimuru: " I-kun how many laps have you done?"

Izuku: " Uhm i did 7 now Rimuru-san"

Rimuru: " Why don't you take a rest first i'll massage you"

I saw I-kun blushed yay i made him blush again and i can feel Ciel pouting muttering about something i'll ignore her for now 

Izuku Pov

Izuku: " U-uhm N-no thanks Rimuru-san i am fine i am not tired yet" i said blushing i winder what it feels like stop stop Being a perv Izuku i got my mind out of it and i saw Rimuru-san Smile but there is something with her smile it feels dark

Rimuru: " No I-kun i insist that you should rest you will rest right I-kun?" I saw Some devil at the back of Rimuru-san

Izuku: " H-hai" 'scary'

I then sat and Rimuru-san began massaging my shoulder it feels good

Rimuru: " How does it feel I-kun?"

Izuku: " It feels good Rimuru-san"

Rimuru Pov:

Yes i got to massage I-kun i feel ciel getting Jealous

Ciel: ' Master no fair you threatened him'

Rimuru: ' Fufufufu didn't you said Ciel that everything is fair in love and war'

Ciel: ' If master plays that way then i shall too'

Ciel then cuts off the thought communication and she suddenly appeared wearing a maid outfit

Rimuru: ' Whaaaatt a maid outfit'

Ciel: "Izuku-kun let me massage you too"

Izuku: " Is it really ok Ciel-san?"

Ciel: " Yes Izuku-kun it's ok and i can't let master do all the work right master?"

Rimuru: 'tsk' *smiles* " Yes Ciel you can help"

Izuku Pov

I feel like something bad is about to happen

Rimuru Pov

Rimuru: ' If war is what you want ciel then war is what you'll get' i then started to touch *ehem* i mean massage I-kun's body softly i then traveled both of my hands to I-kun's chest touching i mean massaging it i saw ciel had an annoyed look i smiled at her

Ciel Pov

If that's what master wants then i'll play dirtier i then also massage his knees then i went traveled through his legs

Izuku Pov

What the heck first Rimuru-san went to my chest and Now ciel-san traveled through my legs i can't take this anymore i have to stop this i need to escape

Izuku: " U-uhm Rimuru-san, Ciel-san"

Both: " Yes I-kun/ Izuku-kun"

Izuku: " i am fine already thank you for massaging me, i will continue training now" i then stand up trying not to look back i feel something scary at the back so i didn't dare to look back i then continued to run around the training area

Back with Rimuru and Ciel

Rimuru: " Look Ciel you scared him away"

Ciel: " it was not me who scared Izuku-kun away master it was you, you keep touching his chest"

Rimuru: " EEEHHH???!!  I was massaging it and you you were even teasing him stroking his legs you scared him away"

Ciel: " I was also massaging him Master it was your fault"

Rimuru: " No it was you"

Ciel: " No master it was you"

both kept arguing the rest of the day while kept training no knowing what is happening 

Short Filler chapter end

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