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Hey Jan look what, I found it's a sea shell , here you have it cuz your my best friend said Portia but you lied to me , your not enough for me and she took a sword to kill her and a water dropped in Jannet's face and she woke up breathing heavily riphariel was by her side , he was looking at her curiosly saying are you alright ? She said yes I'm fine .. just a bad dream !
We are heading north to canzin to get some new clothes for you to wear for your next preparation
Canzin was a place of flowers ,flower Angels who made dresses with flowers and they were good in creating beautiful auras to look good since riphariel was already looking good he didn't need that for Jannet as well since she was looking beautiful enough ,he just wanted to buy her new clothing , hey this place is awesome can we stay here  ,this place is great than when we were before said Jannet , No Mesa  this place is not what you think it is it decieving power is more said riphariel , Jannet was curious all of a sudden she asked what kind of decieving power ? Well a power to make you want more of something depth in your heart , it can be anything but to make it go away is not that easy , I believe you won't be decieved , so listen I'll take you to a place where my fellow Angels are stay with them I'll get you clothings  and come fast so don't wander off anywhere like a child , Jannet said I'm not a chill and I will be fine she said it as if he was treating as a child !!

We reached , hey riphariel is it true wow look at her she is Alive , riphariel reaction was blunt he said okay stop making jokes ,now take care of her I'll be back soon ! Mesa be careful don't wander around , Jannet said you can call me Jannet , but Mesa is nice , so see you soon , he said I'll come back , Don't go anywhere or I have to cleanse you again and this time maybe even ruthless , Jannet got pink her whole body trembling just by thinking that she has to be naked in front of riphariel again .oh no I better one him or I'm done for , she said hesitantly .I .. I. Won't , Then riphariel went off to buy her new clothing for the next test but riphariel knew that she will wander off and get into trouble , but he had no choice but to leave her alone this Time
Okay it's boring  ugggh I should sneak around before anyone finds and Jannet went out but it was too late she was caught
Your majesty please don't wander around for it's not safe for you
Jannet blinked and was wondering ..majesty !!! .. how many names I have ..and she told to the angel , I was just seeing.  But after some quite time she escaped from the tent and went to a lake , which looked very beautiful. .she thought of having a glance at it but she tripped and fell she couldn't come up she was drowning .  Her eyes closed ,her body cold ..she was beginning to think this is the end of it . I could finally go home .

THE MOUNTAINS CALL (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now