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So Janny why you wanted to go to the mountain so badly did something happen? asked Andrew No nothing much it's Just that I Just want to know something and I will tell you when we get there right now we have to rest who knows that we will return or not
We might even lose our life's in the mountain so let's Just stay calm while we can let's not talk too much said Jannet , okay so if we are really going to lose our lives I might well as take a pic with you and make a video Just for our memories , okay ! said Jannet They took lot of photos and videos to be a core memory that even if they have to be apart they can still regain that memory by watching this , time went by they had arrived to their destiny Jannet started to climb Andrew pulled her down and said do you want to die woman !! There is a way to walk through the mountain look and Jannet said nothing but pulled him and ran fast and she thought something was similar ohh I remember this is the mountain that I came when I had summer camp , but how ,she thought it was scary at first but she wanted to know who was the voice and why it would call her name
Hey Janny are you sure it's good to walk alone said Andrew I don't think so your by my side so why do I have to worry and further more ..woooosh a big wind pushed Andrew and Janny from the mountain they were both holding onto a branch A voice came out of nowhere and said you should have not come here!! Andrew and Jannet was puzzled and the branch broke they both fell from the mountain but when they woke up they were at their rooms Jannet ran to Andrew's room Andrew said Jannet we are in big trouble it looks like someone wants you dead when we fell from the mountain I saw someone the appearance was awful I turned to see you your image was different you were looking like a warrior for Ancient times , the awful appearance
Took some sort of sword like thing to kill you but some white spirit said take her home don't come this mountain again take our Queen home
That's what it said it also gave me a pendant for both of us to wear so I think we better forget about the mountain atlead until we finish our school and you have to promise me okay Janny , Jannet thought the same thing as he did but now she had no options but to accept it and promise
Okay I promise but after school we will go to the mountain you have to promise that too, but only once and I will never go to any of the mountains I promise Andrew agreed because he knew by time she will eventually forget about it !! They both said PROMISE!

THE MOUNTAINS CALL (Part 1)Where stories live. Discover now