Chapter 7; An Attack

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TW:Assult, deadnaming, transphobia

Wilbur parks in the parking lot for mange Tout

They all walk in and get they're table. The waiter comes and takes there drink order. They all talk amongst themselves.

"Hey Ranboo can we talk now?" Wilbur asked looking at Tommy and Tubbo talking to each other.

Ranboo nods and Wilbur takes them outside

"So I saw the binder, and I wanted to say.. I won't tell them or anyone, but I want you to know I'm always here for you if you need it and my brothers trans so, if you need a fellow trans person to talk to he's there and I'm always here for you don't be afraid to reach out. I thought I'd let you know so you know you have someone to talk to" Wilbur said with a smile

Ranboo hugs Wilbur "thank you Wilbur..."

Wilbur hugs back "of course! Now let's go back in" they both let go and walk back in.

Tommy smiled and said the waiter was here.So the two sit down and order quickly before the waiter leaves. As the waiter leaves Ranboo rest his head on Tommy's shoulder obviously tired.

"Aww tired big man?" Tommy muttered. Tommy patted Ranboo's head. A few minutes later the waiter comes back with the plates of food. Tommy Tubbo and Wilbur start to eat. Ranboo aren't you gonna eat?" Tommy shook Ranboo a bit to wake him if he was asleep.

Ranboo stares at the food nervously "I don't want it..."

"Come on eat a few bites and keep it down then we can do whatever after!" Tommy pleated.

"Nope I've ate enough today..."

"Not true at all you are a half a cookie and that's it I don't even think you keep it down." Tommy sighed tears threatening to spill.

Wilbur speaks up "hey Ranboo please eat if you want j can call a waiter to get you a bigger plate so the food looks smaller?"

Tubbo frowns "please eat Ranboo?"

"Im not hungry..." Ranboo gulped

"Please do it for us" Tommy looked at him his eyes a soft sadness.

Wilbur calls the waiter over "uh can we get a bigger plate for him?"

Ranboo looks down

"Why her plate looks fine? Plus we can't waste our stuff"

The waiter looked a little pissed.

Ranboo starts fidgeting now extremely uncomfortable and anxious being misgendered

Wilbur stares dead at the waiter "he's a he doesn't even look like a she so dunno where you got that and it's a plate you can clean just please it'll help him."

"Sir please stay calm. Your right she needs to eat more she's too skinny anyways." The waiter grabs the plate.

Ranboo mumbles "guys it's fine please-"

Tommy got up with a dead look in his eyes.

Tubbo sighs "Tommy calm down-"

He walked over and punched the waiter in the face. "Bitch"

The waiter was on the floor shocked. "That girl is unlucky to-" Tommy kicked the waiter in the gut they could finish.

Ranboo stands up trying to stop tommy "Tommy please it's fine-"

The waiter continued to misgendering Ranboo and ery time Tommy either kicked them or punched them. "Just get it right" Tommy smiled with a dead expression in his eyes.

Ranboo pulls Tommy away "Tommy please stop your going to get arrest"

Wilbur stands up and looks the waiter dead in the eye "you say one more fucking thing I'll murder you." Tubbo gets up "and I'll help!""I will rip out your vocal cords and stab you 26 times in the throat" Tommy smiled. The waiter got up and ran to the back of the place.

Ranboo hugs tommy from behind tightly "that wasn't worth it toms..."

Wilbur sighs "I'm sorry Ranboo"

Tubbo hums "I don't get it you don't even look like a girl and your a man always have been so-"

Ranboo mumbles "thank you tubbo..."

Tommy grabbed Ranboo's hands smiling up at him. Soon a new waiter came out asking to speak with Tommy in the back. He gave the others boxes for the food.

"Hmm?" Ranboo humed softy "your not going without me I don't wanna leave you..."

"Sir I need to talk to him in the back. The employee called the police saying he threatened them and assaulted them" The waiter bowed.

"Then I'll go with him" Ranboo huffed

"I'm very sorry sir but you can't" The waiter looked down.

Wilbur taps ranboos shoulder "let's go you can see Tommy after"

Tubbo sighs "I wanna go home and sleep"

A few hours later everyone went home and tubbo was asleep not the same for Ranboo he was nervously sitting on his bed

All of a sudden Ranboo gets a call from Tommy and he quickly answers it.


"Hey they said I have one call a day. I have to stay until my trial because they believed that rag" Tommy sounded pissed just thinking about her.


"I have no regrets! I DID ATTACK HER" Tommy shout that last part so the guards would hear.

"You shouldn't have it wasn't worth it. I miss you."

"Aww it's okay I will be home soon!" Tommy laughed.

"How soon? Will I be gone yet?"

"Now I paid my own bail bye" Tommy puts the phone back and pays his bail and leaves.

"Bye-" Ranboo sighs "it's been a long first day in England..."

After an hour.Tommy quietly open the door shutting it behind him. He walks upstairs and changes into sleeping clothes. He opens Ranboo's door.Ranboos on his phone sittingOn his bed and he looks up "Tommy!"

"I thought you were sleep- Why aren't you it's like 1am" Tommy looks at Ranboo concerned but sat down next to him.

Ranboo "I've been worried about you.. also it's only 9 my usual time so..."

"Aww well still you should sleep" Tommy played with Ranboo's hair as, Ranboo lays his head in Tommy's lap curling up into a ball. Tommy smiled at Ranboo and soon fell asleep sitting up. Ranboo lays Tommy down and lays on his chest.

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