prologue: the demon hunter

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Me; ... Normal talking
(Author: ....) Author talking
(*...*) Action/sound effect
.... Thinking or talking to himself

Y/N's POV.

Location: Red grave city
Time: 36 years after the qliphoth incident.

Teacher: Welcome class to your new school year. Let the teachers know about any bullying or any harmful event happens.

Every one: Okay ma'am!

Me: (Sigh) How boring. If only I could do more demon hunting.

Teacher: What did you say Mr y/n?

Me: Nothing.....

I stayed quite as usual. School is so fucking boring. I only want to kill demons and play games all day. (Sigh) if only making a business needs you to just have the experience specially for merc businesses.

I really want to kill demons and not have any social interactions. I fucking hate people just because of their fake attitude if anyone is around. They always lie about what is their purpose around people are. Sometimes other People lie about not wanting things or lie about stealing money. I really don't like humans but I can tolerate them. Just don't make me mad or I will kill you.

After a 3 hours of lecturing it was finally lunch break time. I then put on my ear phones and listened to music in my phone and brought my bag with me.

Then a girl started to walk towards me and asked me if I was going to go out and maybe I could join her in the lunch room area.

Me; Nope.

I then left to go back to the devil may cry shop.

I then snapped my fingers to stop time using the quick silver ability to get to the shop quickly.


Trish: Welcome back Y/N.

Me: Yeah, Yeah. Is there any ingredients left?

Trish: I just bought some.

Me: Thank you. I can finally cook good shit again.

I don't like ordering pizza or any take out food from random shops because once I got poisoned by a poisonous pizza made by a demon.

Oh she is Trish. One of my guardians. I was adopted after I broke out and killed mundus. I was found by them in a box freezing my ass off. Clutching the yamato.

The reason why i was clutching on the yamato is encase I got attacked by someone like a mugger in the streets it would be easier to kill them and toss their bodies into the demon world to be eaten by demons.

Anyways I snapped my fingers.


To stopped time for a little bit and cut up some vegetables and herbs using the yamato.

Plus I really use it as tool for cooking due to the demon counts all over the world has been decreasing for the last 3 years and i hunted down any demons who crossed to the human world. I rarely use the yamato and rebellion due to it. So why not just for fun use it in cooking.

I then chopped the ingredients up with precision and elegance. I snapped my fingers to continue the flow of time after I finished cutting up the ingredients.


After that I then cooked all of the ingredients. After I put all of the ingredients on the pot I walked to my room and played a hack and slash game. I then put a timer on my phone about how long do I play until the food Is cooked.

time skip.....

40 minutes later...

Beep! Beeeeeeppppp!!! Beeeeeeeeeep! Beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep!

The devil (Dmc vergil male reader x shield hero)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя