"Woah, get out of here? Where else would we go? We have nowhere outside of this place and we have everything here, we can't just abruptly leave—"

"We don't have a choice, if we did, don't you think I would be telling you it by now?" Hyunjin gritted his teeth, he was right. But they had nowhere else to go unless they went...

"No, absolutely not. I cannot stand him—"

"You don't have a fucking choice, he's your other leader and if you want to sit here and die then be my fucking guest, but I know you wouldn't dare to leave him alone." Hyunjin stopped, throwing a blade across Chan's neck for a threat.

"Fine." He uttered lowly with a growl.

Though the silver-haired was stubborn in the ass, Chan knew his insecurities and his weakness, even when they were only newly discovered.

"Great..." Chan uttered back sarcastically with a monotone voice.

The boys were settled down back at the lab, the 4 others along with Sana heading their way unknowingly. Han and Felix were still on the ground screaming their minds out in a panic and rushy graze of traumatic emotions. Only their yells and screams filled up the silence in the room.

"HYUNE! HYUNJIN!! F- FUCK!" Felix screamed out, "MI- MINHO! God, FUCK!" Han did as well. And maybe it was their screaming that drew the two boys to the position, but seconds later, they were there.

"Felix!" Hyunjin yelled as he ran towards the blonde on the ground. "H- Han?" Minho lowly, in shock.

Hyunjin grabbed Felix by his face and slowly brought him up to his, breaking when he saw the younger's state. He was crying, screaming, and yelling in pain. "I- it hurts!" He managed to inform.
He caressed his face to wash off the stained tears before pulling him into his chest for a safe space.

"What's wrong with him?!" He asked his younger brother who was rummaging throughout the area, looking for anything he could find to Enlighten the unknown noise between Han and Felix.

Minho rushed to Han who was on the floor, grabbing him by his ears before covering them in an attempt to block out the imaginary sound. "Mi- Minho?" Han whimpered, eyes lightening and his heart at peace.

"You're ok!" He repeated. Han wanted to smile, he wanted to laugh, he wanted to feel, happy. But he just couldn't, not with the constant ringing in his ears. "AHHH!" The boys screamed, pushing Minho and Hyunjin away before they collapsed their bodies onto the ground and started moving like maniacs.

"Jeongin!" Finally, the young girl yelled in the background. She had been there the whole time, trying to find a solution to their problem and that's when she did before she passed it on to the younger.

Jeongin caught the tranquilizer in mid-air, the fluid inside? Unknown.

"Inject that into both Felix and Han, their pain will be gone." Sana clarified and Hyunjin's eyes widened, terror showcasing. He was assuming the wrong with only a couple of words. Yet the assumption could've been true if he dug deeper into his subconscious way of thinking.

"You're going to kill them?!" He exclaimed, loud enough that everyone froze. "Are you fucking stupid? Why me being the only doctor here and I have a chance of saving all of us and that being Felix and you suggest that I would kill him?!" Hyunjin choked, maybe it was best for him to stay out of Sana's hair.

Sana diverted her gaze to the younger, he nodded before making his way to the boys. "Keep him still," Jeongin told his older brother, Hyunjin gulped nervously but went way towards Felix, he grabbed his squirming arms and pinned them towards the ground, Felix blinked but started squirming around again, wanting desperately to plug his ears again.

"Remember this position sweetheart?" He oddly brought up, for a split second, giving the boy a sheepish classic grin of his. Felix froze and jeongin wasted no time injecting the liquid into the boy. That's when he calmed down, his eyes fluttered, but he still shook and shake.

Hyunjin started to slowly release his hold before whispering, "Calm down sweetheart... your ok. Your safe..." he reassure the stressed yet scared boy.

"So what did you inject into them?" Hyunjin asked, slowly and repeatedly rubbing his thumb across the base of Felix's hand to calm him down as he rested calmly. "94 hX, I originally made this to see if it were to become a temporary anti toxin for the air within our bodies, but I never tried it out on anything—"

"Wait, so you're telling me, that you gave both Felix and Han a medicine that could've possibly killed them if their systems clashed?" Hyunjin promptly brought up, creating a tense atmosphere where no one dared to utter a word.

"Are you fucking kidding m—"

"Guys," Jeongin started. He was seated at the computer desk, looking at the surrounding area at the horde. "Pack your things." He finished, and everyone froze.

"Why?" Seungmin spoke a-mist, slowly rising from his seat along with everyone else as they approached slowly behind jeongin to take a peek at the computer from behind, hyunjin along with Minho stayed behind to care for the two unconscious boys.

But a break was never something that lasted forever, and again, they're just realizing this.

"They're closing in."

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