Chapter 9: Demnatio memoriae

Start from the beginning

'Is that everything you two did?'

Void lied straight through his teeth. 'Yes, we only practiced, what else should we have done?' He didn't tell Theo about the time they spent talking. He didn't tell Theo how they played around for a while, or how Keylee figured out how to get claws. He especially didn't tell Theo about their conversation in the car.

Theo nodded and smiled like he didn't suspect anything. 'I wan't you to do something. I need you to take Scott to where the beast escaped. To the communication tower. Let him find some clues or something. Make him feel like he isn't totally alone. It will break him once he figured out he was betrayed once again.'

Void nodded like he was actually gonna do that. Did Theo know much about the plan the fox made for himself. Void had everything already figured out, planned and ready to fall in place.

He left, this time through the door, to drive to Scott's house.

'Here we go again.'

*keylee's pov*

I sleepily turn around and pull the blanket up to my chin, completely ignoring the annoying beeping sound of an alarm or something.

It is only when the sound gets really annoying that I open my eyes. My phone is still ringing besides me on a night stand.

It's not an alarm, someone's calling...

I look at the screen. "Stiles"

The next minute I stare at it dumbfounded. Still sleepy and unaware of the fact that I should answer it. When I realize I should have answered it about two minutes ago I quickly pick my phone up. Of course it has already stopped ringing. Now I see a lot of messages and they don't stop coming in.

Hey, are you still asleep?






Are you awake yet?

I'm gonna spam you until you answer

Wake up

Before he can send me another message I quickly send something back

I'm awake you idiot, thanks to you.
What is so important that you can wake me up?

If you're still angry at Scott you might wanna come to this location ;)

Okay, so now I'm curious. I'm still mad at Scott, I think... I mean, I surely didn't forgive him for just dumping me but do I really wanna open old wounds?

Seeing you didn't reply fast enough I assume you are doubting this. Don't doubt this Kitten, just take your revenge, this will be a perfect opportunity. Go for it, get mad. Be evil :]

I feel a grin tugging at the corner of my lips. What's up with the smileys? Well, doesn't really matter I guess. I should do this, I mean, Void will be there if things go wrong...

I quickly text him that I'm on my way and I open the location. It's only a 10 minute ride so I think it's time to see how fast I can run. I would drive a car but I can't drive, maybe I should ask Void driving lessons... Focus! Right now, I'm gonna run to the location and.... I don't know what I'm gonna do yet but I'll figure it out!

I end up at a communication tower. Unfortunately, I'm also out of breath. Turns out my condition didn't just miraculously became amazing, I still have a bad condition, not the worst but definitely not like Scott or Theo. Sigh. 

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