Where It All Began Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Where It All Began


(Adelard POV)

It all started years ago, back when I first proposed to my wife..Fluer. She's everything you could ask for, (although I thought, but I was completely wrong..)

We were soon blessed with a beautiful son, Brunette just like his mother and Emerald green eyes like my wife's grandmother. He is very confusing, sometimes I wonder who he got that from!.



"Honey!Breakfast is Ready!" Fluer calls out as I struggle to put on my tie.

As I stuff my breakfast down Fleur looks towards me with a funny look on her face "what?" I responded in confusion, "pfft, no wonder your son is so messy!"she chuckles to herself as she adjusts herself to fix my tie, just then Anthony appears yelling around the corner "Mummy! I'm Hungry,I'm Hungry!!!!". "Calm down dear, just a sec" She says just as she finished fixing my tie.

Once Anthony finished up his breakfast, they both made their way towards the door to bid me farewell.As Fluer kissed me goodbye Anthony crinkled his face in disgust "eww!!" he opposes , I chuckle slightly as Fluer rushes over but struggles to kiss him on the cheek. I wave goodbye to my family as I get in the car and drive away.

I arrive at the building and Greet the receptionist, George, whom I have built a great friendship with. I start a small chat with him and discuss work, "Did you hear that boss hired someone new? I heard that he's gonna be helping you around!" George utters in an elevated tone, I freeze for a second thinking why Boss would hire someone to help me?!.

I slightly chuckle and speak to my good friend "hmm? Why would he hire someone to help me? Am I not working hard enough?". George scratches his neck and leans back and proceeds to say "No, no..You are wonderful at your job! He probably just wants you to rest a bit since you do quite a lot around here".

As I said goodbye to George and proceeded to my office I thought to myself why would boss hire someone to help me ?I didn't think much of it but it still lingered in my head. As I head towards my office I grab out my files and I get a buzz on my phone....

End Of Chapter 1

To be Continued..


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