121 - "All for them."

Start from the beginning

The ground was breaking apart completely, the quirk reached the woman as the latter herself reached for her son. She had splintered apart before she could embrace him. The white haired girl watched and took a moment small necessary breath in. It also killed the grandparents, the camera caught a man with dark hair walking out of the house and into the backyard as well. The disintegration spread out of the backyard, the little boy tried to reach for his father, but he smacked him away with some sort of mechanism with a false hand on the end. 'What? Why would he hit him?'

When he tried to make him stop, reaching a hand out, the little boy looked like he snapped. The white haired girl could almost taste the bloodlust splurging out of his body. He launched at the man and gripped his face with his deathly hand. The house was also swept away with the destruction. She finally looked away from the video and breathed in, "Delete the footage of everything that happened from the cameras', save it in your archive though." She continued to follow the little boy, she had a plan. One that would prove all too pivotal in the future. "As you wish (Y/n). May I ask, what do you have in mind for him?"

"During the whole time I was with the League...They were truly saving me from myself. I know if it wasn't for them, I would've been something different. But sooner or later...I can feel it. I need something that can really hit them in the core, something important. I wish I didn't have to do it this way, to me it seems wrong. Reaching out to a little boy...only to save him and possibly many others from himself in the future. The League, I guess I've always known how to reach out to them. But I never figured out how to reach out to Tomura, I got lucky with the memories I have about the Todoroki's, I have my way in for Dabi."

"But Tomura? Never figured him out."

"How are you so sure?"

"Of what?"

"That you can reach out to them, they're villains are they not? Apologies, but I am still learning the concept of your society. I do not understand why certain humans do certain things."

"It's alright Jinko. I don't either sometimes, but villains or not, the League are still human. They are still people I love and care for, and for that, I will do anything I can to help them. If they want a society where they can do whatever they want, a society where they can be themselves without having to resort to something inhumane, I will do it. And not just for them, but for everyone else I care about as well."

"All for them."

(Y/n) ended up following younger Tomura to under a bridge. He sat down, leaning up against a wall, barefoot, dirty, and traumatized. She reached into the velvety bag from before and put the ring on, it was a connection. A string of familiarity that can prove to be useful in the future, something that would be new and something unique, memorable. She slipped the machete ring onto her left hand and slipped the spider ring onto her dominant hand, her right. She put the box back in the bag and placed it in the tote bag full of other bags from other stores, she had bought it to avoid carrying multiple bags. 'Let's hope he doesn't attack, I can't heal as quick at the moment.'

She slowly approached the boy, moving her hair out of her face by tucking it behind her ears. "Kid...Your face is all dirty." 'I'm sorry...I can't take you home. But just reaching out to you...will help me save you...I'm sorry it will take years.' She watched him look up to her with shining red eyes. Her lips broke into a comforting smile, "Let's clean you up, yeah? And get you someplace safer." She won't force it. Not now, not in the future. If she truly wants to save them, they would also have to reach out to her as well. All it took was just a raise of a hand, and it would be alright.

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