Chapter eighteen

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Quinn's POV

I woke up to see Jason still asleep cuddling up to me. I looked at my bed side clock to see it was 3 am. I tried to get back to sleep but Jason's words were still filling my head. Now I guess I understand why he didn't tell me. After trying to sleep but doing so in vain for 30 minutes I decided to go for a walk maybe try and piece events together. This whole more than one rouge scent was bothering me. He said he could smell around 4 or 5 rouges. Rouges normally travel in a maximum group of 3 as they may as well be in a pack otherwise. So I decided to run, in human form, to the clearing to try and catch the scents and maybe see if I recognised any of them.

Within 10 minutes I was at the clearing and as soon as I arrived I could smell the scent of Lillian. This almost broke me down in to tears but my wolf reminded me that this was important and could possibly save many members of our pack. So I sniffed around and could smell 9 different rouge scents. These are like normal scents but if you are a rouge then you automatically get a rotting scent mixed in to your own. How could Jason only think there were 4 or 5!

After trying and failing to recognise the scent decided to track them for a while so I could see if they had a base nearby or if they were just a group passing by deciding to mess with packs.

After tracking the scent for 15 miles I hear voices so I hid and but cold still see that there is smoke coming from a clearing and I decided to climb the tree to get a better view. How can i do this and not be noticed? I know its camouflage time! Me, being an idiot didn't get changed before I left so I'm wearing neon ink shorts and a tight back vest top. Not so good camouflage. I look around and see some mud.

 ~OK Aria time to get messy~ I thought to my wolf.

~You are insane but let's do this!~ she said back. I laughed in my head and coated my shorts and arms and body with mud. I then got twigs and leaves and stuck them in my hair. Now when I reach the top I am less likely to be seen. I am a genius!

I started the climb and within 5 minutes I was 20 ft in the air and I could see the whole clearing. I saw the whole clearing and my eyes widened in shock. I could see about 25 huge tents with fires outside. The scent of rotting was so strong you would have to have no nose to not realise it was a rouge camp. Even a human would notice it wasn't something normal.

I climbed down as quietly and quickly as I could and I sprinted away as fast as I could. I don't think I have ever run that fast. I was back in the original clearing within half an hour.  I ran straight up to my room to see I had been gone for nearly 3 hours it was about 6:30.

"JASON get up get up get up this is urgent"

"Quinn baby what's wrong, what's happened!" he jumped straight up and looked for the danger then he looked at me to see my covered in mud and leaves still. "why are you dressed like that? This better not be a joke Quinn"

" It's not a joke Jason!"

"Then what has happened."              

"Iwokeupthismorningandrantotheclearingtotrackthescentsoftherougesbeforeitrainedandweakendthemanditrackedthemallthewaytothewoodsitwasabout15milesthenIcamofalgedandclimedatreetoseeacampwithatleast150rogesinitweneedtofindoutwhatthenotemeansassoonaspossibleandpreparethepackforawar" i said all in one breath.

"what?" he said with a loom of confusion on his face.

"I woke up this morning and ran to the clearing to track the scents of the rouges before it rained and weakens them, Then I tracked them all the way to the woods it was about 15 miles then I camouflaged and climbed a tree to see a camp with at least 150 rouges in it we need to find out what the note means as soon as possible and prepare the pack for a war"


"I think you will find I am the most powerful wolf in this pack. I am much more powerful than you and anyone else. I made it there and back without being noticed and I managed to run at a speed of 30 miles an hour. I can beat any member of this pack in a fight and if you hadn't noticed I can overpower you. So watch who you are talking to. I am a female but i am also much stronger than you stupid male wolves. Your tracker couldn't even pick up the scents in the woods. The attack at the clearing had 9 wolves in not the 4 or 5 you thought. So do not start discriminating me as a female." Aria hissed at him with power and anger coating each word. I could feel me regaining control as he looked at the ground in submission.

"It slipped out. I'm sorry ok I just worry about you I would die without you Quinn my princess. I need you safe. It's my possessive wolf. I cannot imagine my life without you. I need you. Princess I love you."

"Jace I love you too just please stop disrespecting my wolf and I. Now back to business. We need to double or even triple patrols. Training all day, every day. Edward and i will take care of that. You get a team of the most intelligent wolves to work on comprehending that note."

"Sounds like a plan. I will call a pack meeting for this afternoon"

"No let's have a pack lunch and discuss it that way. We haven't done anything like that for at least a month or two."

"As you wish my angel" 

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