"Hello this is Eddie." I heard him say.

"Hey Eddie, it's Y/N." I replied

"Hey, what are you calling me for?" He asked

"I want to go to Tommy's party with you." I said while smiling.

"With me? Wow I'm flattered." He said as a joke, I could hear him laugh.

"Yeah sure, when should I pick you up?" He asked me

"In an hour?" I asked

"I'll be there." He replied

I hung up the phone and ran upstairs, I walked over to my closet and started searching for the perfect dress. I wasn't going to wear the red one again, I wanted something new. My eyes locked with a black dress, It was perfect. It wasn't as short as the red one but it would show my body better. I changed into it and did my hair, I looked in the mirror and even I knew I looked hot. 

The doorbell rang but it couldn't be Eddie, he was picking me up in 15 minutes. I walked downstairs and tried looking out the window to see who it was , I couldn't see the person clearly. I opened the door and to my surprise Billy was standing in front of me. He scanned over me and locked his eyes with mine.

"Let's go I'm taking you to the party." He said getting ready to turn around again.

"You're not." I replied, making him stop in his steps.

I rolled my eyes and tried to close the door, Billy stopped it with his arm.

"What do you mean I'm not?" He asked

"I'm going with Eddie." I told him, making him laugh.

"I'm not letting him take you." He scoffed

"Listen I'm sorry about what happened this afternoon." He continued, probably trying to get me to change my mind.

"Billy, I'm not going with you." I said, now annoyed

Before Billy could say anything else I heard Eddie's motorcycle pull up.

"That's my que." I said as I closed the door.

Billy turned around and walked in front of me towards Eddie.

"I'm fucking watching you Munson." He said angrily 

"You do anything to her and you're dead." He exclaimed

Billy walked away to his car not looking back at me and drove off.

"What's up his ass?" He asked me bursting out laughing.

I walked over to him and Eddie reached his hand out to mine. I grabbed it and he spun me around.

"Looking good." He said which made me snicker

I took a seat behind him and placed my hands on his waist so I wouldn't fall off. We drove to Tommy and I could see Billy's car parked in the driveway. Tonight was going to be about me and Eddie, and I wasn't going to let Billy ruin it.

We walked inside and Eddie grabbed my hand. I could see people doing shots at the counter and smoking pot outside.

"You want something to drink?" He asked me

"Yeah sure." I replied, "Something strong please."

"You got it." He said

I was looking around and I saw Carol taking shots with Tommy. I hadn't noticed it yet but Billy was standing behind them. I walked over to the couple and before I could greet them Carol began to speak.

"Y/N try this!" Carol said happily while handing me a cup full of booze. 

I took a sip and I felt the liquid burn on my tongue.

"Oh my god, what did you put in here." I asked her while laughing.

"Pretty much everything." She said.

I looked up and noticed Billy staring at me, I quickly tried to avoid his gaze but it was too late. He grabbed my arm and pulled me into a corner.

"It can be just you and me Y/N." He whispered in to my ear making sure that no one else would hear.

"Billy there is no you and me." I said while I looked him straight in the eye.

"I don't believe you when you say that you don't need me." He said, he wasn't holding my arm roughly anymore. His hand lowered and he held my hand now.

"Don't you want me?" He asked me

"Billy stop, I'm here with Eddie tonight." I replied

He sighed annoyed,

"I can't stop fucking thinking about you." 

The worst part about all of this, is that I kept on thinking about him as well.

He held my hand firmly now, not wanting me to go back to Eddie. Billy wanted me to react, to tell him that I wanted him to fight for me. But I couldn't, not with everything that I had heard.

"Please just ignore me Billy." I pleaded not even knowing if that's what I wanted.

My head was spinning, I looked at Carol and I saw that she had the cup filled with all kinds of booze in her hand. I stumbled over to her while Billy was still holding my hand, I shook it off and grabbed the cup. I emptied it within seconds and I turned around to find Eddie. 

Too focused on finding Eddie I hadn't noticed Billy storming off pushing people out of the way.


I had to black out tonight, I made my way towards the table filled with bottles of alcohol and grabbed two. If ignoring her meant that she wanted to keep fucking I'd do it. 


"There you are!" I yelled at Eddie trying to be louder than the music that was playing.

I looked him in the eye and my gaze quickly focused on the bottle of alcohol in his hand, Eddie had two cups in his other hand but I knew I wouldn't need those. I grabbed the bottle and began drinking from it.

"It's strong watch out." Eddie said while laughing.

"Well that's good." I snickered.

"Let's dance!" I said to Eddie while pulling him onto the dance floor.

We walked on to the dance floor and I could smell the sweaty bodies of the others. My head was still spinning, I needed more alcohol. I kept on drinking from the bottle that Eddie gave me and I had finished half already, Eddie had rolled a joint for himself which he began smoking. I was drinking more than Eddie, but even Eddie had drank his fair amount of alcohol. 

Eddie and I danced together and it didn't take long for our bodies to get closer.

"So I was thinking." I said while the alcohol was doing it's thing.

"I thought maybe we could kiss?" I asked him while smiling.


She was dancing with Eddie, I could see she was drinking a lot. I was smoking with some of my friends while trying not to focus on her too much. I wanted to punch Eddie in his stupid fucking face but I knew that causing a scene wasn't going to help me win her over.

I glanced at the two of them and to my surprise Eddie was trying to get my attention, I looked him in the eyes not knowing what he was planning. He smiled at me and before I knew it his lips were on hers, they were kissing and Eddie was enjoying every second of it.

Anger filled my body and I heard Tommy yell at me not to go but it was too late, my mind went blank as the only thing I could focus on was her.





A bit of Eddie love in this chapter, sorry for the delay<3

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