Chapter Two

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Hotch was woken up by his phone in the middle of the night. He sighed before reaching for his phone, that was laying on his nightstand
"Aaron Hotchner," said Hotch as he picked up the phone.
"This is detective Jodi Ketelson from the MPD, we need your help," said Ketelson.
Hotch looked at his alarm-clock.
"It's the middle of the night, can't this wait till the morning," said Hotch.
"I'm afraid not, sir, this is about the LaMontagne family," said Ketelson.
As soon as Hotch heard those words, he was wide awake.
"William LaMontagne is in critical conditions at the hospital. Their son is traumatized but unharmed," said Ketelson.
"What about his wife," said Hotch.
"There is no sign of her," said Ketelson.
"We'll be on our way," said Hotch before hanging up the phone.

Within the next hour the whole team was sitting in the round-room and by the look on the agents faces you could tell none of them were excited to be in the office at this hour.
"Couldn't this wait till morning," said Morgan as Hotch entered the room.
Hotch shook his head.
"That's what I said at first, but no, it can't," said Hotch.
"Wait, where is JJ," said Reid.
The entire mood changed as the team realized that something was seriously wrong.
"Will is in critical condition at the hospital after being shot," said Hotch.
"What about JJ," said Emily.
Hotch took a deep breath.
"There was no sign of her, the unsub probably took her," said Hotch.
The room turned quiet.
"I know we all suspected something was going on with JJ the past couple of weeks and I think she had reasons to believe this was going to happen," said Hotch.
Hotch took a deep breath.
"Morgan and Prentiss can go to the house; Rossi can talk to the neighbor. Reid and I will go to the hospital and Garcia, see if you can find anything on Will and JJ," said Hotch.

All the agents left the round-room except for Hotch and Rossi.
"Hotch, we'll find her," said Rossi.
"Last night I decided to ask her what was going on. I knew something was going on and I shouldn't have let her walk out of the office," said Hotch.
Rossi placed his hand on Hotch's shoulder.
"Aaron, you couldn't have known this would happen, none of us could," said Rossi.

Rossi walked into the interrogation room, to interview the neighbor, and sat down opposite of him.
"I'm David Rossi with the FBI. I'm here to ask you some questions about last night. Let's start with your version of events," said Rossi.
The neighbor nodded.
"I was woken up by a gunshot," said the neighbor.
Rossi nodded.
"Was it a single gunshot or did you hear multiple gunshots," said Rossi.
The neighbor took a second to think.
"A single shot," said the neighbor.
"What happened after you heard the gunshot," said Rossi.
"At first I didn't think much of it, and I tried to go back to sleep," said the neighbor.
"But you couldn't go back to sleep," said Rossi.
The neighbor nodded.
"I just had this feeling that something was wrong, and then the doorbell rang," said the neighbor.
"Who was at the door," said Rossi.
"It was their son, Henry and he was hysterically crying,"
The neighbor took a deep breath.
"I woke up my wife to look after the kid and call 911, so that I could go inside to help Will," said the neighbor.
"Your wife wasn't woken by the gunshot or doorbell," said Rossi.
The neighbor shook his head.
"No, she is a deep sleeper," said the neighbor.
Rossi nodded.
"When I got upstairs Will was lying in a puddle of his own blood and he was barely conscious," said the neighbor.
"Did you see or hear anything else," said Rossi.
"If you're referring to his wife, I didn't see her. I didn't even know she was at home. If she was even there she must have gotten home after midnight," said the neighbor.
Rossi nodded.
"Thank you for your time, if there is anything that comes to your mind don't hesitate to call," said Rossi handing him a business card.

As soon as the neighbor had left the room Rossi grabbed his phone.
"Hotch, the neighbor wasn't sure if JJ was even at the house," said Rossi.
"Reid and I just arrived at the hospital we'll let you know what we find," said Hotch before hanging up the phone.
"Follow me," said a doctor as he approached the two agents.
Hotch and Reid nodded before following him.
"How is he?" said Hotch.
"He'll make it. Please be aware that he has just woken up from a major surgery, he might still be a little out of it," said the doctor.

By the look on Will's face Hotch could tell that he was somewhat relieved to see them.
"Aaron, he took her," said Will.
"Who did?" said Hotch.
Will took a deep breath.
"I should've stopped him," said Will.
Hotch shook his head.
"There was nothing you could've done, you were shot," said Hotch.
Will's eyes widened.
"Did he take Henry too?" said Will.
"Will look at me," said Reid.
Will turned his head towards Reid.
"Henry is safe, who took JJ?" said Reid.
"He took her, you have to find her," said Will.
Hotch turned to Reid.
"He is clearly still in shock. I think it's better if we'd come back later," said Hotch.
Reid nodded.

Meanwhile Morgan and Emily were at the house. On the dresser they found JJ's keys, meaning she did arrive home last night. The two agents had made their way upstairs and the first thing they noticed was the puddle of blood that was on the floor.
"Will is a lucky man to be still alive, he lost a lot of blood," said Morgan.
Emily nodded and the two agents entered the master bedroom.
"Only one side of the bed was slept in," said Morgan.
"Meaning it happened shortly after JJ got home," said Emily.
Morgan nodded.
"The unsub waited for JJ to get home, meaning that she was his primary target," said Morgan.
The two agents walked back into the hallway and on the right side of the door, they noticed a bullet hole.
"Will was most likely shot somewhere around where we are standing now," said Morgan.
"Meaning that the unsub was standing over there, by Henry's bedroom," said Emily.
"It could explain why he was able to control two agents," said Morgan.
Emily nodded.
"I don't see how JJ fits into this scenario," said Morgan.
"What if the unsub was holding a gun to JJ instead of Henry. He could've snuck up to her from behind after she had come upstairs," said Emily.
Morgan nodded.
"So, he shot Will and then?" said Morgan.
"He could've told JJ to come with him," said Emily.
"Do you really think she would have gone with him voluntarily," said Morgan.
"She would if he threatened to kill her son, for all she knew he had just killer her husband," said Emily.

The two agents looked around the house, but nothing seemed out of the ordinary. You wouldn't have even known it was a crime scene if it was not for the blood on the floor and the bullet hole in the wall. When they entered JJ's office, they were shocked with what they found as she seemed to have her own investigation going on.

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