Chapter Six

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Rossi, Reid, and Emily had managed to put the photos in chronological order. They had written down when the photos were taken as precisely as they could.
"I can't believe none of us saw him, I mean those are only the photos he has send to JJ," said Emily.
Reid's eyes widened.
"That's it," said Reid.
Reid grabbed a photo of him, Hotch, and JJ in the field.
"The case we were working on was a media circus and back then I didn't think much of it. You know, I thought it was a journalist," said Reid.
Both Rossi and Emily gave him a confused look as they weren't sure what he was getting at.
"I've seen the unsub," said Reid.
Reid paused for a moment.
"I have an eidetic memory. I can't believe I've only thought of it just now," said Reid.
"Could you describe him," said Rossi.
Reid nodded.

A little later Hotch called.
"Henry gave us a description of the unsub," said Hotch.
"A white male in his late 30s to early 40s with dark hair and a stubble beard," said Rossi.
"Your description is way more specific than ours, but yes. How did you know?" said Hotch.
"Reid saw him while we were in the field," said Rossi.

The team had regrouped in the round-room, and they were all sitting at the table.
"I made a list of man in the area that fit the profile. However, I'm going to need more information than that," said Garcia.
"How many of them have a criminal record," said Hotch.
"Give me more," said Garcia.
"If the unsub took JJ hostage, he needs a space to hide her. Eliminate anyone that lives in an apartment," said Emily.
Garcia typed in a few things on her laptop.
"Now, we are getting somewhere," said Garcia.
"The unsub had the time to stalk her," said Reid.
Garcia nodded.
"I know where you are going with this, boy genius," said Garcia.
It took only a few seconds for Garcia to complete her list.
"Let's see. John Holmes is unemployed, but lives with his mother. Traves McCarten fits the profile but is currently in prison and Lincoln Wade lives in a single home in Arlington," said Garcia.
"Lincoln might be our guy," said Morgan.
The rest of the team nodded.
"I send his home address to your phones," said Garcia.

The team had made their way over to Wade's home address. It was a single house in a seemingly quiet neighborhood. The only thing that stood out were the drawn curtains.
"Rossi and Reid can go around back and the rest of us will go in through the front," said Hotch.
The agents nodded and did as they were told.
"Lincoln Wade, FBI, open up," said Hotch as he knocked on the front door.
They waited a few seconds, but there was no answer.
"We're going in," said Hotch.
Hotch stepped aside, so Morgan could kick in the front door. The house was dark due to the drawn curtains and there was stuff laying everywhere. Emily had made her way into the kitchen.
"Clear," said Emily.
Hotch and Morgen went upstairs as Rossi and Reid made their way through the rest of the first floor.
"Clear," said Hotch after he had checked the bathroom.
Morgan made his way into the master bedroom.
"FBI," said Morgan.
Wade woke up with a start.
"Show me your hands," said Morgan.
Wade slowly got out of bed.
"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you," said Morgan.
Morgan handcuffed Wade.
"Do you understand," said Morgan.
Wade nodded.
"Now, move," said Morgan whilst pushing Wade forward.

Morgan had taken Wade downstairs, where the rest of the team was waiting.
"There is no sign of her here," said Rossi.
Wade gave them a smirk.
"Rossi and I will go back to the bureau to interrogate him. The rest of you stay here and see if you can find out where he is holding her," said Hotch.

Hotch and Rossi were standing behind the mirrored window of the interrogation room. They were about to go in when Hotch's phone rang.
"Yes, Reid," said Hotch as he picked up the phone.
"We found a box filled with photos, similar to those he had send to JJ," said Reid.
"Anything else," said Hotch.
"We'll keep you posted," said Reid before hanging up the phone.
Hotch turned to Rossi.
"Wade is the unsub. If he has JJ time is of the essence," said Hotch.

Hotch and Rossi sat down opposite of Wade.
"Where is she," said Hotch.
"I don't know what you're talking about," said Wade.
"We know you have been stalking agent Jareau and we have the photos to prove it," said Rossi.
"You can't charge me for taking photos in public," said Wade.
"You're right, but we can charge you with stalking," said Hotch.
Rossi leaned forward.
"Or with burglary, kidnapping and attempted murder," said Rossi.
Wade's eyes widened.
"You thought you killed her husband," said Rossi.
"Jennifer believed I killed him and that's all that mattered," said Wade.
"Where is she," said Hotch.
"Jennifer didn't put up much of a fight for an FBI agent," said Wade.
"You have been psychologically torturing her for weeks if not months. You took everything from her," said Rossi.
Wade started laughing.
"You're right. I took everything from her," said Wade.
Hotch shook his head.
"You didn't kill her. You wanted to control her," said Hotch.
Wade leaned forward.
"I know she confided in you, but she wouldn't admit to it. You must have had more control over her than I did," said Wade.
"It's called loyalty and she didn't tell me anything. Because if she did, I would've made sure none of this would've happened," said Hotch.
Hotch stood up, slamming his fist on the table.
"Where the hell is she," snapped Hotch.

Hotch and Rossi had stepped out of the room, to come up with a strategy as this clearly wasn't working.
"We have to find her," snapped Hotch.
"Aaron, you must calm down," said Rossi.
Hotch gave Rossi a look.
"I can't, we are running out of time," said Hotch.
Rossi's eyes widened.
"That's it, Wade is just stalling for time," said Rossi.
Rossi had made his way back over to the door.
"I have an idea, follow my lead," said Rossi.

A little later the two agents were back into the interrogation room.
"You won," said Rossi.
Wade gave them a confused look.
"You knew we wouldn't make it in time," said Rossi.
"You left her for death," said Hotch.
Wade started laughing.
"I'm not stupid, you're just messing with me," said Wade.
"I wish we were," sighed Rossi.
Hotch turned on the screen that was hanging in the interrogation room.
"The MPD spokesman confirmed that the body is that of SSA Jennifer Jareau. The cause of death has yet to be determined, but foul play is involved," said the news reporter.
By the look on Wade's face, they could tell that he was proud of his accomplishment. Hotch turned off the screen and leaned forward.
"I must say I'm impressed," said Wade.
Both agents gave him a confused look.
"Impressed, we were too late," snapped Hotch.
"I just never thought you'd find her in that basement," said Wade.
"We knew you needed privacy, something your house didn't have," said Rossi.
"You're right that abandoned farmhouse was the perfect spot. No one would've heard her screams," said Wade with a smile.
Hotch stood up and Wade's eyes widened.
"No, no! You tricked me," snapped Wade.
"What can I say, human behavior is our specialty," said Rossi with a smile before also standing up.
"You might still be too late," snapped Wade.

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