Ch.5- The Lonesome Rose

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(This is a shortish chapter. Kind of a fill in on what's happening from the last one. I know the next ones gonna be pretty long and I don't want to add the story fill and make it even harder to read)

3rd person POV:

For the next couple of days the lovers got into a routine of meeting each other in secret. Y/n was moved to the upper floor and made an effort to see Jennie and involve her in her schedule as much as possible. Although the pair were moved to the same floor, getting time alone was hard as the amounts of work got increased due to the upcoming holidays. It was hard not to complain but the two made the most of the little time they had together. Y/n would slip notes into Jennies hands as she walked by. In the notes were either love letters or meet up times if both were having a less busy day.

Jennie always loved reading Y/N's letter. She found herself keeping all the notes in a box under her bed and whenever she would miss her lover late at night she would pull the box out and cry herself to sleep while reading them. The two very often swapped flirty glances at each other whenever Jennie was out in the open. Jennie would pass by Y/n and brush up against her or Y/n would touch Jennie's hand subtlety when serving her food. Nonetheless both of them often got frustrated at the little time they had each other and would often cry when leaving each other knowing they wouldn't be able to hold each other of a while.

Rarely whenever they would meet up it was usually in Jennies room. They would talk over long periods of time about whatever felt natural, they would laugh, cry, reminisce or just dream but either way it was a very freeing feeling. Sometimes the two would read stories while holding each other & looking out over the window seal or maybe they would just lie in bed close to one another like they so desperately wish they could. The night would always end with the two making love and confessing their feelings for each other. Clinging onto one another like it would be their last.

Jennie wrote to Y/n the most. Whenever she had free time at the end of the day that she wasn't spending with Y/n she would sit at her desk and write down whatever came to mind that she thought her lover would be interested in. The notes would be in full detail and were never shorter that two pages. Jennie wrote her notes beautifully in cursive hoping Y/n would find the act endearing. Jennie would decorate the notes with dried up flower petals she would pick from the garden or red lipstick kiss marks next to the paragraphs where she was spilling out her love. When she was done she would write in big print...
"Yours entirely and truly, Jennie<3' and then spray the letter with her perfume so it would fake the illusion that she was always near.

She would slip the notes underneath Y/n's door at the end of a long day knowing it was a nice thing to come home to. Although Y/n loved the letters Jennie gave her, as a way to return the favor she instead made Jennie jewelry as a symbol of her love. She would stay up even later in the night to handcraft Jennie a ring or a bracelet with both their initials carved into the back. Whenever the two would meet Y/n would show she creations to Jennie and she would usually cry when putting them on.

Even though Jennie adored the jewelry you gave her, no way in hell would she be allowed to wear such "non presentable" jewelry out in her day to day life so when ever she would get back to her room she would pull out all your latest pieces and trade them from the rather heavy jewelry she would wear before. The two had it rough but they made the most of what they had. It's not like their lives were a choice anyways. This is how it had to be and they just had to deal with it.

Jennies POV

"Mom, I already told you...I don't want to do this."

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