Heavens Arena Part 1

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Let's get this chapter out of the way before I go to bed!

~ (Y/n) Pov ~

She was woken up once the train stopped and they all exited the train. She watched as Kurapika said his goodbyes and when on his way and soon after Leorio left to do his thing. All that was left now was her, Gon and Killua. She put her hands behind her head and looked at the boys and smiled. " You two ready to train?"

" Eh? Why do we need to train?" Gon asked as a pure child he is. Killua got annoyed with him and showed him how big of a difference him and Hisoka's power is from each other. Killua drew where he is on that chart.

She grabbed the stick from Killua and drew where she was with an arrow between Hisoka and Hazo. " And I'm about here! Before you argue Killua I've been with that man for over a year. He made sure I was strong enough to fight him." She sighed and smiled at Gon who was impressed how strong Killua and her are.

She followed Killua and Gon as he was explaining to Gon on strengths. " Gon do you have any money?"

Gon looked at him and softly breathed out, " Actually um running out."

Killua said he didn't have much either before looking at her. She grinned, " I have a lot of money but that doesn't matter much."

" that's annoying..but there's somewhere we can train and earn money at the same time." Killua said and she knew exactly what he was thinking.

" Train and earn money?" Gon questioned before Killua smiled.

"The Heavens Arena", He answered and she nods agreeing that its a good idea.

" Yep! Its a good place to train and get money now let's go and get started. This will be the next step to our adventure!" She cheered as they all headed out to the Arena. She was ready for this fun battles mostly because she has already been there and reached the 200th floor with Hisoka.

Once they got to the Heavens Arena they went inside and stood in line to register. She filled out the forms she got number #2056. She nods and went with the boys to wait for their numbers to be called. She smiled watching everyone else fight and she sat by Gon. ' Hisoka is probably all the way on the top by now no doubt about it. He probably knows we have arrived ' she sighed.

" What's up (Y/n) are you nervous?" Gon had asked and she smiled softly at him.

" Of course not Gon just can't wait to fight. " Not long after Gon's number was called to go fight. She grinned knowing he has this.

The fight was over pretty quickly once it started since all he did was push him. She decided she'll do that too just for the hell of it but cut back a bit it might kill someone. Next up was Killua which of course he took out quickly.

Finally it was her turn and once it started they guys ran at her. " Just because you're a girl doesn't mean I'll go easy on yo-" she cut him off by pushing him making him crash into the wall.

" Weak little man.." She said and looked at the ref.

" Oh you've also already been to the 200ty floor. And this was a strong performance you can start of #180-" she cut him off.

" I rather start on floor #50 to take it slowly. If that's okay with you," she looked at him and he shrugged giving her the number. She met back up with Gon and Killua. " That little boy is pretty strong too I can feel it." Once they got into the elevator and the lady explained how the floors work and the kid started saying how after the 100th floor you get your own room and such.

She knew that of course, " Oh I forgot to introduce myself. Osu! My name is Zushi! What about you three?" Zushi asked.

" I'm Killua," he said as he turned to face him.

" I'm Gon. Nice to meet you." Gon said smiling.

"And I'm (Y/n)," She said and put her hands in her pockets. Once they hit the 50th floor they all exited she asked ahead of them since Zushi was just gonna say how amazing their fights were. Soon clapping was heard from behind them. She stopped walking and didn't turn around like the other did.

" Zushi you did well," Zushi's teacher Wing said and she didn't want to look at him. " You adhered to my teachings. "

She was zoning out after Zushi said who Gon, Killua and her were. She payed a little attention to what they were talking about but not much.

She soon heard her named being said, " Killua and (Y/n) are veterans here." Gon had said and she finally turned around and looked at Wing. She nods and they went to check in on the 50th floor giving her their tickets. She handed them all their prize money which was 153 jenny enough for a canned drink. She got one and drank it looking at them.

Killua explained how higher you get the more you get payed in rewards. He then explained how much he got when he was here last and how he bought snacks with it all. ' Robo chocolates. Those sound amazing right now I'll ask Hisoka to get me some. ' She walked to the waiting room before them since she was tired of this conversation. She could hear them following behind her.

Killua and Zushi was the firsts to be called once they all sat down. " Off they go Gon. I wonder who we will fight? They all look so strong and worth it." She licked her lips since she might be able to at least draw blood but probably not yet.

Gon nods and waited for his turn since he was ready to keep going forward. Soon Gon was called for his fight against some random guy so now she's alone waiting for hers. Which didn't take that long and she went and quickly ended her fight and even drew some blood from her punch. She walked and spotted Gon and she sat by him holding her reward money.

" Now we wait for Killua! " she giggled and looked at her phone seeing Hisoka messaged.

🤡: Little Pup it seems like you're having fun with those fights and watching the boys but don't take too long and get to the 200th floor.

🗡: Be patient perverted clown we'll be up there in no time. These boys are strong and won't be holding back anytime soon. Now don't text me I'm next to your 'prey'

She turned off her phone and saw Killua coming out of the elevator and she smiled at him. " Over here Kil!" She got up with Gon and waved at him. Killua was telling them about how he won from the TKO points. He couldn't kmock him out and how he changed his stance. She knew what happened and she can't wait for them to find out how to do it and how strong they'll get from doing it.

She was now ignoring their conversation now and was just wanting to get on with the fights and get past all this boring stuff and to the real action.

All done with this chapter! Got this one out faster than I did the other one! Hope you all enjoyed until next time!

The Storm ( HxH x Reader ) NEWOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant