Hunter Exam Time!

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Alright here's the second chapter being fixed up! I am spending my two days off fixing these chapters and making it better because I am bored and needing to relax enjoy!

~ (Y/n) Pov ~

Its been almost a year since she first started to train with Hisoka and he was taking her to the exam this year and over the time with the troupes and she stayed focused on what will happen and her training. Once she arrived with Hisoka at the exam area she got #45 while Hisoka got his normal #44. " I'm gonna look around you do whatever you want." She walked off quickly and checked everyone out. 

" Hey little girl I'm Tonpa you must be a newbie I just know it did you know its my 35th try at this exam!" He smiled but she knew it was a fake smile to trick her into believing he was nice. " You must be thirsty here's some juice!"

" Thanks Mr. Tonpa but I don't drink juice from strangers" She said in a cute voice before getting close whispering," Don't try me with that laxative I will end you." She warned before walking off. She sat against the wall she was looking for Killua #99 since he comes soon. She took a small nap but kept her guard up since anything could happen while she napped.

The first time she didn't Hisoka found his self into her room and made her face look like his make up and tried to stab her. Ever since then she never let her guard down but besides that she was calm. She napped for a good thirty minutes before she opened her eyes seeing the silver haired kid coming in making you jump up. ' There he is! Little Killua! Now to wait for Gon, Leorio and Kurapika to show up then the exam will start!'  She walked over to Killua who was about to lean against the wall. 

Her eyes lit up and walked over to him quickly only to be stopped by Hisoka who shook his head making her groan. She crossed her arms and leans against the wall by him looking like a sad child who just got their toy away. " Little pup stop with the look..Be patient my new friend will be here. " She nods waiting with Hisoka for Gittarackur aka Illumi Zoldyck. 

After what felt like hours he finally showed up making his way over to the two of them but she stared at him more intensely than Hisoka did because she knew how dangerous this man is and why he is here. He looked at her before speaking up, " Is this her? It does seem like she knows something. (Y/n) right? You were supposed to ma-" she cut him off.

" No don't finish that sentence Gittarackur. Now don't worry I don't want any trouble now I'm gonna bother someone and dob't stop me." Both of the guys looked at each other and before they could stop her from running she was already over by Killua.

" Hey I'm (Y/n) and before you ask why I'm over here you looked the least on edge and being near you is way better than those two creeps." She rubbed the back of her head.

" Killua and why were you by those two creeps then." He questioned and of course is on guard since she was near them and since he recognized her name.

" Well Killua I came with the clown guy since he found me in the woods after my parents were killed and I was by myself." She remembered why she had killed them but he doesn't need to know that.

" I see well see you around (Y/n)", He quickly went off making her laugh at his quick escape but she was pleased now to wait for the others and the exam to start. She went back to the two creeps who she had to trust for now and leaned against the wall napping now. She could feel how Illumi was kinda ticked off that she was talking with his brother making her smirk.

~ Two Hours Pass By Brought to You by Chocolate Balls eaten by Killua ~

She opened her eyes seeing that finally Gon and the other two showed up which she pushed herself off the wall and watched them. She'll meet them later but for now she needs to get ready to run after all in this phase they have to run more than 80 km. After another 10 minutes she heard a scream of pain looking over. ' There goes Hisoka killing someone who bumped into him scaring everyone around him'.  

" Behold. Now you see them, now you don't No smoke and mirrors here." He purred smirking looking over at her before continuing." You should be more careful and At least apologize when you bump into someone~." He smirked more enjoying the cries of the man and the fear is almost everyone's eyes. 

She rolled her eyes and looked over at the wall lifting up revealing the examiner for the first Phase Satotz. He told everyone to follow him after he explained anyone who changed their mind can leave which no one did. It soon started which started off as just walking and soon picked up which made her grin jogging and spotted Killua meeting with Gon. Her eyes lit up and ran to them seeing that Killua just got off his skateboard. " Killua! " she yelled to him but by her yelling his name made him jump and look behind him while running. 

" (Y/n)! uh This is Gon ", He said quickly she almost laughed at the attempt to keep you further from him.  But it was so cute so she looked at Gon who looked happy to meet a new person like always.

" Hi as he said I'm Gon! Its nice to meet you (Y/n) this is Kurapika and Leorio." He said excitedly making her smile softly at how pure he is. She felt someone glaring at her so she looked at Kuropika which you made a sad face making him look away.

" Its nice to meet you guys! Now.. Killua why are yo-" She dodged a pin that was thrown making her sigh, " Your safe for now see you guys in the next part~" She slowed down and was next to the two creeps. " That was mean I was having fun Gittarackur," She pouted making Hisoka chuckle while Illumi didn't look amused.

" Behave and I won't need to now stay with us until we exit this tunnel." he said plainly which she sighed mumbling 'yes sir' while she was jogging by them she watched many people slow down and fall over while they ran. Once they got the stairs more people started to drop while she jumped quickly up the stairs staying up with Hisoka. 

She started to think ' Okay we go up here a bit longer then Gon and Killua will start to race to the exit I wanna join but Illumi and Hisoka want to keep an eye on me.' She sigh and put her headphones in listening to some loud music which put her in the zone while running. 

After while of running she could see the opening to the outside would but she knew what will come next and she always didn't like this part of the show. It was boring but it did make more character development between each of the main people and repeating characters as well. She looked at the two guys next to her and nods which Hisoka grinned and picked up his speed as did her and Illumi. Not that long of fast running she got out of the tunnel seeing Gon and Killua arguing who made it first which made her giggle softly seeing a side glanced from Illumi and Hisoka. " Imma go bug the kids", Before she could go over her wrist was grabbed and when she looked at who did it. It was Hisoka using his fake sad face which made her roll her eyes. " Fine but you better keep an eye on Gon." She pulled her wrist away from him and stood by them again but this time pouting.

Everything was quietish before the door to the tunnel started to close hearing a guy who doesn't make it yelling wait before it shut all the way. She started to count down to when the next part is with the fake examiner claiming that Satotz is the fact. She didn't listen to what the examiner even said before hearing the fake yell and claiming Satotz was the Man Faced Ape and some random stuff. She watched three cards hit him and three were thrown at Satotz as well but one was thrown at her. Both her and Sarotz caught it but she glared at Hisoka who smirked ' If you weren't so important I would kill you and tell Chrollo your little secret.'  She threw it back at him as he was getting scolded and told if he does it again he'll be disqualified again. 

All done fixing this one I had to deleted so much just to make it with no wolf parts lol. But its all good! Let's do the next chapter!!!

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