Will all of us escape?

Start from the beginning

Xiao had summoned his mask, and his powers were surrounding him in a mix of black and green.

"General Alatus, Falling in!" His voice called out.
As he did, the light that blinded us lowered and revealed that we had entered a new space.

We were standing on a blue platform that seemed to fly through time and space.

Yelan helped me stabilize myself and I looked around.

Xiao mentained the energy flow, but I could see how much pain he was in.

Luckily for us it seems that the plans could work.

As I looked around I noticed shadows coming from around us and coming towards us. They started surrounding, which scared Paimon.

Paimon flew towards Aether and held tightly on to his arm.

As I was able to stand in my own, Yelan quickly yelled, "watch out!" She then ran around and trapped many of the shadows in blue strings.

Then they exploded, causing the shadows to disappear.

That's my girl!
I felt so proud watching how far my student had gotten.

Xiao grunted near me, and I saw that he had to physically hold his hand in place to continue the energy flow.
It looked as if he was in deep thought.

I decided to be of a little help and I summoned my katana. I helped fight of a few of the shadows that came near the compass.
I couldn't move that much anyways.

I heard Xiao grunt again, so I turned towards him again.

"Xiao..." I whispered. He was in so much pain.

Yanfei, Yelan and Aether seemed to have good control over the shadows so I put my katana away.

I looked over at Xiao again, worried.
I could see he was struggling to stand up straight, he was shaking, a lot.

I wanted to help him, but I was afraid that I might ruin the energy flow.

Then the platform was surrounded by the red shadows and we were trapped.

I got my weapon ready again, but before I could attack, Xiao used his powers to drive them away.

The platform started shaking because of the impact, but was sent flying at a much faster speed.

As I looked above us I could see light.
"It's working..." I whispered.

I looked back at Xiao and my eyes widened.
He was not doing okay.

Fear shot through me when I heard something crack. I looked down and my heartbeat sped up.

The platform had cracked and it just continued.

Xiao grunted in pain, and when I looked over to him it felt as if time had stopped.

I gasped, his mask was cracking and then...

It broke.

"Xiao!" I yelled, I was about to run towards him, but Yanfei held me back. "Don't!" She said.

Put the pieces back: Sequel (Xiao x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now