Vol 3. Ch 1 - Paralyzed

Start from the beginning

With the weight of his back now gone, Deku used his quirk to free himself from the rope that Toga tied him up with. Deku's lower half was still paralyzed because of the concoction that Togo injected, this lost of sensation on his body made him unbalance, making it so that he can't control his own fall midair.

"Shit, Shit, Shit!" He yelled.

He was now getting closer to the ground. With no control over his movements, he was spinning in his own demise. Deku panicked in his fall until he saw someone running toward him. As the moment he almost hit ground, the person tackled and protected him.

The two of them got rolled on the ground. Deku still felt the pain but mostly on his torso, his body was filled with scratches and blood covered his body. A fog of dirt covered his eyes, he got up and crawled his way to find the person that saved him.

"So you're still conscious, huh..." a weak voice said.

He scoured the area as the dust settled slowly. Deku saw a figure standing in the middle of the crater. The person held their left arm in pain as they were moving towards him. He rushed to help that person but when the dust was cleared, he stopped.

"...Toga..." Deku murmured.

Toga was looking right at him as she closed the distance. She was covered in dirt, blood and leaves. Even when she was struck by Deku, she still saved him. Even when she was in pain, she still went forward.

Deku readied himself, he raised his fist and masked on a serious look. He knew he couldn't escape, not with his legs right now. So delaying her until the heroes arrive was the next 2nd best step.

As she gradually got closer, she saw Izuku preparing himself to fight her. Saddened by what she saw, Toga looked down and sighed "I wanted to take my time... but I guess I have to beat you up quickly..."

Even as she pleaded, the fire in Deku's eyes cannot be put out. There was only one way this would end. Toga grabbed her daggers and stared at him in his eyes.

"I'm sorry things got this way Izuku..."

She then proceeded to sprint towards him, climbing up the slope with no hesitation. In response to this, Deku surrounded himself with one for all. He waited for the right moment before flicking his fingers, creating a gush of whirlwind that can blow off anyone that was caught in its way.

Toga rolled back to dodge it, opening up her wounds even more. She clutched her sides with her right hand and felt the warmth of her blood dripping down her palm. "I hope Jin can patch this up."

She continued to brute force her way to him. Toga jumped from boulder to boulder in order to dodge Deku's attack. The interval of his blast was getting longer and longer until she was now a mile away from him.

Deku flicked in desperation, spewing out random blows all over the place. Toga tried to evade but was unsuccessful. Her left leg was caught in the blast, sending Toga along with it. She held her knives and plunged it into the earth.

She paved the ground with her knives, as she barely holds unto them due to the power of one for all. Toga gripped her hands even more as she slowly descendent the crater. "tsk...Half way again...".

Toga clenched the dirt and stood up. She retrieved her knives from the ground but it was dull. She didn't carry anymore knives with her since she placed them in her bag, not knowing that this would happen. It looked like Toga will have to take him out with her fist.

While the setback of Toga was a small victory on his part, Deku didn't feel all that great. His breathing became erratic, making it harder breath. It was most probably due to the ever-spreading paralysis that was injected unto him. It has now taken over his chest, as it crept towards his arms next. It was only a matter of time before he'll be useless against Toga's advance.

"Shit... why aren't the heroes here yet?" Deku thought.

Toga still continued her rush, causing Deku to send burst of whirlwinds. The reclimbing took less time than the first time she scaled up however she still needed to be cautious against Deku. She moved swiftly and evasively against his attacks. She was now catching up.

Deku's arm began to spasm, the concoction has entered its veins. Even so he still fired with all his strength. His hands were shaking, unable to even aim. He tried to steady his right arm using his left and was successful. He sacrificed half of his firepower in order to properly delay the inevitable.

She was closing in, now at 3 miles away from him. Toga ran in a straight direction as if daring Deku to blast her off. Desperate, Deku took the bait. She predicted this and was quick to evade. Toga was now at the homestretch, meeting Deku at his wit's end.

He waited for the right time, he waited for her to come closer. Deku will fire one last shot and if it fails then he will face the fury of this so-called villain "Not yet...".

She was now at 15 meters away and yet he waited "Not yet...".

Toga ran and It became 10 but still he was patience "A little bit more..."

Now at 5 meters away however he still waited. Readying One For All in this single attack.

Until it was now at 1 meter, that Deku took action "NOW!".

He screamed at the top of his lungs, unleashing his final shot. "TAKE THI-".

But he got interrupted "Gotcha.".

Toga pulled her hand out of her pocket and flinged debris in his eyes. It blinded him, causing his attack to go upwards and miss. Toga used this advantage to tackle right on the ground.

Only this time instead of pinning him, she went in for a chokehold. Deku tries to slither out but his body won't listen. Slowly losing his consciousness, as his senses blurred. The last thing that he heard was someone shouting.


AN - I'm back. Been out for a quite a while in the fanfic writing department so I had to reread some fan fictions and stories when writing this fanfic, do tell if some elements are missing in this chapter compared to my previous ones. It has been a hectic past few weeks but now it's all good. Going back to the usual update schedule. Anyways, that's all for what I have to say. Thank you and goodbye.

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