Vol 2. Ch 3 - Bathroom Fun

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Deku walked back to his dorm, still feeling dumbfounded by what happened. He had just hallucinated a kidnapping and wanted to rest early for today.

He entered the building and wiped his forehead due to the intense heat outside. Deku saw the lounge was empty, so he decided to lay down there.

"Midoriya, you're back." Todoroki popped from behind and startled him a little.

"Oh. It's just you. Um, what is it, Todoroki?"

"I could ask the same to you. Why did you run down the stairs in rush? Did something happen?" He interrogated.

"It was nothing really. I just thought I saw something different but it's fine now." Deku laughed awkwardly.

"Are you sure it's alright now?"

"Yep, it's alright now." He answered.

"Hmmm, Okay I'll leave it at that." He said in a monotone voice.

"By the way, in case you didn't know. The school just announced that they'll be the ones providing breakfast and dinner to the students living inside the dormitory. So, I recommend getting to the cafeteria now so you could eat early." Todoroki bid farewell and coldly left.

Deku laid back in the couch, stretching his back. His mood changed due to the convenience of the cafeteria meals. He was mostly reliant in pre-packaged food or bento boxes his mother gave, so this is a lifesaver for him.

After he rested, Deku headed towards the cafeteria like what Todoroki said. It was a bit far but not that long of a destination. He pulled the glass door and saw that it was fairly crowded, due to time that has passed.

He saw the somewhat long line and queued in. Deku looked sideways to see what the food was and saw that the staff was giving away a cup of rice, fried fish and what appears to be a small bowl of miso soup.

"It's better than nothing I guess." Is what Deku thought.

Waiting for his turn. He patiently stood in line until he was at the front of the counter. The lunch lady gave him a plate and gave Deku his servings. After that, Deku grabbed his chopsticks from a tall cup and went to find a table. He scouted the area and saw no vacant table, until he got called.

"Hey Deku over here!" Someone shouted as they waved their hands at the middle of the crowd.

Without thinking, he immediately walked towards the voice until he saw the table. It was Uraraka that called him along with Ida and Tsuyu.

"You're a little late Deku." The frog girl said.

"I agree, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Young heroes like us should always eat on time." Ida Chopped the air, still going on about how Deku almost skipped his first meal of the day.

"As long that I eat my breakfast, then I think I'm alright." He laughed as he sat down.

Deku placed his plate down and thanked his food. While eating with the other, he noticed that they already started without him. In response Deku decided to eat faster so that he wouldn't be left behind.

"Woah Deku, slow down. You might choke on your own food." Worried, Uraraka tried to stop him from hurting himself.

"Don't worry about me, I'm just trying to catch up with you guys."

"We can wait for you, if that's what you're worried about." Tsuyu ribbited. Deku looked at Ida and he nodded.

Following the majority, Deku finally calmed down and ate his fish in peace. He drank the soup and properly deboned the fish but before he could have a bite, Some of his classmates interrupted.

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