The lightning cut off the nervous system inside my body causing me to go limp and I felt the pain everywhere. I could feel the pain especially well in my back. Hopefully it wouldn't leave a scar...

As I screamed in pain, Xiao looked behind himself and looked towards me in panic.
"Y/n!!" He yelled.
He looked behind me before yelling again, "Bosacius! Leave her alone!!" Xiao yelled.

He lunged forward and caught my limp body in his arms.
He was right, I still feel terribly weak, I can barely stand being struck by lightning. But... that really hurt.

Is that how strong an attack from a Yaksha really is?
I never realized how much pain it actually caused.

I felt the pain in my back, and it was as if I could still feel the electricity going through every inch of it.

Xiao drew his spear in his hand while holding me in his other, he was kneeled down next to me.

In front of us was...
Bosacius. In the form of an electro shadow-like sphere with two eyes.

"To think that you would hide underground." Xiao said to him, while glaring at him.

I looked over his shoulder and saw Yelan, Yanfei and Aether who had just arrived.

Yelan looked at me and her eyes widened, "Master!" She yelled.
"We should go help him!" Yanfei said as they rushed towards us.

Xiao snapped at them, "Stay back! This is my fight, do not come near me!!" He yelled at them while placing my limp body on the ground.
He walked in front of me.

As he went towards Bosacius to fight, Aether hurried towards me and picked me up in his arms. (Bridal style, mind you.)
Aether carried me away from the battle, but made sure I was able to see what was happening.

Bosacius yelled at Xiao, "Filthy monsters, so many people have died at your hands! I lured you here to this underground space because I found your weakness." Bosacius said.

"Hiding and ambushing in the dark is Bosacius's signature tactic." Xiao answered him.
"Die here with me!" Bosacius yelled.
As they fought, they kept speaking to eachother.
Xiao groaned, "Hah... how did a valiant warrior like you die here..."

They kept fighting, but the situation was not in Xiao's favor, due to Bosacius being nothing more than a sphere of electro.

Paimon nervously whispered among the four of us, "Uh oh... this is not going well for Xiao...".

"No matter, I know how this ends!" Xiao yelled.

Around the domain, we could hear Bosacius panting in pain.

Yanfei noticed this, "Look Bosacius is showing signs of fatigue!" She said.

"Bosacius, Marshal Vritras... even your strength is finite!" Xiao spoke to Bosacius.
"But your illusion is not as mighty as you. This is not you in all your glory." He decided to use Zhongli's title.
"I wonder what Rex Lapis would think... if he saw what had become of the First Yaksha." Xiao said.

Then we heard a voice calling out in the domain. "Leave! I'll deal with the rest. We can't let the monsters get to the surface." It sounded like Bosacius. "Everyone, remember, we must hold the line at 60 miles outside The Chasm at all costs!" The voice continued.

Then the illusion disappeared.

As Bosacius disappeared, Xiao was thrown back.

"Ugh!" He coughed. "Enough! Phantom be gone!" He yelled. A massive swirl of anemo surrounded him and unleashed.
Aether hid my face in his chest as he stabilized himself from the impact.

We then heard a loud groan of pain around the domain and concluded that Bosacius was gone now.

Aether held me tightly while we walked up to Xiao, who was panting.

"Xiao are you okay?" Paimon asked.

"This is my purpose. Don't worry about me." Xiao answered.

He was silent for a few seconds before he spoke and turned around to us. "Is she... okay?" He asked while looking at me.

I smiled and nodded.

Aether spoke, "I know very well that being struck by lighting is no easy deal, I'm surprised she's conscious." He said.

I chuckled, "You were struck by the almighty shogun, your experience was a lot worse Aether." I said.

Yelan then spoke, "So your invisible opponent was the legendary Bosacius, Marshal Vritras?" She asked Xiao, although it was kind of obvious.

Xiao nodded, "So excuse my stubbornness. Bosacius has been missing for centuries... this may have been the last time I will ever see him." He said.

"He fought here, the nameless yaksha from the legends... it was him." Xiao confirmed.
Xiao looked around. "Maybe he didn't announce his name because he forgot who he was..." He said.

"Because of the karmic dept that drove him to madness?" Yanfei asked.

Yelan then spoke. "He still took part in the battle of The Chasm, despite having gone mad?".

Xiao rolled his eyes, "We Yakshas are not a race that thrive in peacetime. It's likely that he was drawn by the scent of bloody war." He said.

"Slaughter is what we do best... for some it's probably the only thing they know." He said.

I sighed, Aether looked at me. "For some. Not all. If you only knew how to slaughter, none of us would be here with you." Aether said.
I smiled at him and his gentle words.

"This battle confirmed my suspicions, the illusion we saw just now is the impression he left behind." Xiao said. He then looked at me and walked towards Aether.

Aether quickly understood and handed me over to him. So now, Xiao carried me instead.

However this action just caused me to feel worse about myself. How did I fall so easily?! Dumb dumb dumb dumb.
I mentally sighed slightly embarrassed about my condition, although I knew I shouldn't be.

As they held a conversation, Yanfei spoke. "I think I'm feeling more tired than I was." She said.

I looked over at her, "This space is starting to affect us." I said.

"Bosacius stayed underground here, now he's gone and only his illusion remains. If we don't leave, we may meet the same fate." Xiao said.

I could feel the strength in my legs slowly come back.
"You can put me down now Xiao..." I muttered.

He ignored me and did in fact, not let me go.

"Time to move on, goodbye Bosacius, you fought well." Xiao said, completely ignoring me.
I didn't mind though.

We then left the domain.


Getting closer to THE cutscene.

Put the pieces back: Sequel (Xiao x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now