Define Halaal Love

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Chapter 2

"I didnt know you got another brother." One of my sisters fillah said as I went back to them.

"Who? That one who just left? No, silly. That's my habibi."

"Habibi? You mean youre already married? I didnt know that one too!" Another one exclaimed.

"No. No. Not yet. Maybe in 2 years with him inn shaa Allah. What I mean is, that was my boyfriend."

"Aahh." That was the only thing they said after. There were something in their eyes. The ambiance was awkward too and I didnt know why. These people are confusing me. They didnt give me a chance to ask. They also went home after.

Later that night, while on my bed, I was on messenger sending messages to habibi and to the sister fillah groupchat.

It was usual for us to talk about Islamic topics. Tonight was more interesting since it was on Halal love.

"Oooh a love for the sake of Allah! Love it. The only definition of true love." I shared my thoughts. I was also thinking of my relationship with habibi. That night I was willing to open up about him thinking that our love was Halal. He was the man that I always needed.

However, as thoughts were shared, it seemed that their definition of Halal love was different from mine. They were talking about marriage already. As if we better remain single or get married to experience Halal love. There was nothing in between.

"What. You mean being in a relationship before marriage isnt Halal love?" I asked to clarify.

It took them long to reply until finally I got a "No, ukhtiy. Allahu'alam."

I was confuse. "Even when he's making your imaan stronger? He's encouraging you to be a better Muslimah?"

"No, ukhtiy. It's still a premarital relation. It's not permissible in Islam."

"But why?"

"Isnt the definition of Halal love a love that drives you closer to Allah?"

"Yes. But not only that."

"It should be according to Allah's laws as well."

It took me long to respond. I didnt even know what to respond. So they are trying to say that the love I always believed to be Halal is in fact Haram all this time? It doesnt make sense. I intended to reason out my part; on how habibi changed me into someone better, on how I didnt know what to do with my life without him.

But they hit me first. "Ukhtiy, I have no complete idea of the relationship you have with that man earlier. But it still is a relationship before marriage. You should think about it for your own sake."

My eyebrows met. I was feeling bad at that moment. It was as if theyre putting me on the hot seat. Like I was a suspect in quest. So they talked about Halal love tonight in our gc to reprimand me? They knew nothing about me and habib yet theyre acting like I did a grave sin. I became angry that I left them on seen.

"Define Halal love." Out of the blue, I typed this question and sent it to Habib.

"Hmmm. It's a love that is for the sake of Allah. 💚" He immediately replied.

"Is ours a Halal love?"

"Of course. 🤗 Why did you ask?"


"Okay. But I guess youre not okay."

"Did someone ever tell you that our relationship is not Halal?"

"Hey what's up? What's with these questions?"

"Just tell me, habibi."

"Okay. Yes. There are few. But I ignore them. They know nothing about us."

"Why? Is someone bugging you about this?"

"Let me guess. Is it those new friends of yours?"


"Yes. Theyre telling me that our relationship is not Halal."

"Just ignore them. Let them backbite us. It's our gain anyway."

"I just cant believe that it's easy for them to judge me. I thought we are sisters fillah. They even told me to make 70 excuses when we see someone doing something that isnt pleasing."

"I'm not surprise. Most of these brothers and sisters in deen are judgmental. They love to label things Halal and Haram as if theyre learned scholars."

"It's just sad. 🙁 I'm quite disappointed."

"Atleast you now know their true colors, habiba. Dont worry you still have me. 😙"

"Yeah. Alhamdulillah. What would I do without you?"

To be continued ...

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