Chapter 10

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10 July 1914

Samara's birthday
Alexander Palace, St. Petersburg

I was sleeping very peacefully until i felt someone shaking my bed. I opened my eyes to see what or who was causing it and it was no other than my eldest sister, Anastasia. "Okay im awake. What do you want?" I said getting up furiously. "Happy birthday Samara! Come on get up already, everyone is waiting and wishes to see you today!" She exclaimed. Its my birthday? How can i forget? I turn 11 years old today. I was a year older from Alexei.

"I'll be there in a minute" I said hopping out of bed and fixing it. I fixed myself as quickly as possible and just putted a headband to keep my hair from getting onto my face. I looked at my nightstand and saw that Margaret had left a note for me saying: "Happy Birthday Samara, apologies as i won't be able to celebrate your birthday with you due to a family related problem. Elaina will your part time lady in waiting while im away. But don't worry, i'll be back soon. I have left this gift for you and i hope you like it. Have a great day, Samara. May God protect you." -Margaret. I smiled and set the note aside and opened the little box she has for me. It was a golden flower keychain. Simple, yet elegant looking. I wonder where she got it. Im gonna send her a letter after breakfast.

As i walked in on the dining room, everyone greeted me Happy Birthday out loudly, which startled me. But i have never had a group greet me a happy birthday like this. I thanked everyone with a smile and sat in between Maria and Anastasia. "How would you like to spend your birthday my dear?" Papa asked. "Um, I don't know" I replied. "Don't you want to go somewhere or?" Olga looked at me. "No. Anything but going out unnecessarily." Mama stepped in on the conversation. "I understand. But what i would like it very much if we all just spent time together in the gardens" I said. "Excellent choice" Maria commented. Tatiana also agreed. "But Papa, don't you always host a grand ball for our birthdays? Aren't you going to do the same for Samara?" Anastasia questions. "Im afraid we cannot for Samara's situation. She is mostly prone to public accidents" Papa answers. That is an excuse. Plus i do not like public events or places with many people.

After breakfast, i was ordered to stay in the common room. Maria was there with me, while the others has gone to do something. They didn't tell me what and rushed somewhere. "Say Samara, what would you like for your birthday?" Maria asked out of the blue. "Anything simple and pleasant would be nice" I answered. She nodded and continued her knitting project.

After a while, Anna Vyrubova and a young looking girl with brown hair and green eyes came in. Maria stood up from the sofa and dusted off her skirt. "Samara, this is Elaina. Your temporary lady in waiting for the week since Margaret had to be excused to go home to deal with a family related problem." Anna stated. "Greetings your highness. And happy birthday as well" She says as she curtsied. "No need to address the girls so formally. Just call them by their name and patronymic" Anna says. "Thank you and, Samara Nikolaevna that is" I smiled. "Maria Nikolaevna" Maria says smiling as well. "Ah well, better head to the gardens now girls. Elaina your duty starts" Anna says. We left with a smile and headed to the gardens with Elaina following us.

"Wait!" Maria stopped walking and says, "Close your eyes, we have a surprise!"
Elaina putted a blindfold on me and started guiding me with Maria and a few of the officers help. 

As we stopped, Maria took off the blindfold revealing a grand table with Papa's sister, Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna and Grandmama. "Happy Birthday!" They all exclaimed. I shedded tears of joy as my siblings embraced me for a warm hug. "Thank you all so much" I said wiping my tears away. "Its the least we can do" Olga smiles.

"Happy Birthday my lovely niece" Grand Duchess Olga Alexandrovna says approaching me with a hug. I was stunned when she hugged me, this was my first time meeting her. "T-thank you, gr- i mean" I stuttered. "Oh dearie, call me Auntie Olga, like how your sisters call me" She stated. I smiled. "Thanks, Aunt Olga"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2022 ⏰

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