Chapter 4

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September 1913

Nizhny Novogrod

I sit in the table doing my english work as my tutor, Hannah ScottBell helps me, "What does this mean?" I ask as i pointed to a question, "It means you have the underline the noun and encirlcle the verb" she explains. I smiled and continued doing my work.

Mama serves caviar sandwich and juice in the table, "Breaktime please eat" Mama says offering Hannah a sandwich and a juice, "Thank you" Hannah smiles, "Finish your work before you eat" Mama says, "Yes Mama im on the last statement!" I smile, "Very well" Mama smiles, "Do you think you can handle both of my children?" Mama asks Hannah, "Of course i can!" Hannah answers, "Great! The schedule will be alternate because if we put them in the same schedule it would be a disaster" Mama chuckles, "So every Monday, Wednesday and Friday is Natalias schedule and every Tuesday and Thursday is Adriens?" Hanna looks at Mama, "Yes" she says, "Im finished!" I say handing Hannah my work, "Good job Natalia, your a fast learner!" Hannah congratulates, "Yey! Did u hear that Mama? She said im a fast learner!" I say to Mama, "Yes yes very well my dear" She smiles.

I sat on the floor in the living room playing puzzle with my brother, "Natalia will you go buy some Fruits for me please?" Mama shouts. I stood up and went to the kitchen and grabbed the grocery bag and money and headed to the nearby groceries.

I roamed around the store and there were no perfect fruit shops anywhere mom would scold me if i bought non-fresh fruits or vegetables. I saw unle Edward smoking with his friends, i approached him and says, "Hello Uncle Eddie! Do you know any perfect fruit stores around here?". " Hello my dear niece, why there are many fruit stores around here, let me guess Mama Xenia wants freshly picked fruits and you cant find one?" Uncle Eddie chuckles, "Yes! Do you know one?" I ask once again, "There are many at my house i'll bring them to you at your house since its getting late" He says, "Okay, here's the list, Thanks Uncle Eddie!" I say as i ran back home.

"Oh wheres the fruits?" Mama asks, "There were no fresh fruits around and i saw Uncle Eddie and asked if he knew any fresh fruits around and he said theres many at his house that he'll just deliver them here" I explained, "Okay understood" Mama says. I noticed my locket is gone and i probably lost it at the stores! I haven't even opened yet.

There was a knock on the door, i immediately knew who it was and i opened it revealing Uncle Eddie with a bunch of fresh fruits in hand, ,"Ma! Uncle Eddie is here!" I shout, "Please come in" i say. "Just in time, Dinner is ready!" Mama says serving the soup on the table, "Good im hungry" Uncle says rubbing his stomach, "Uncle!" Adrien shouts as he ran to Uncle Eddies arms, "Wow my baby nephew has grown" Uncle Eddie says kissing him in the forehead, "Uncle have you seen a golden locket anywhere?" I ask, "No Sorry" he answers, "Why have you lost it?" Mama asks, "Y-yes" i stutter, "Oh my, next time take care of your valuables!" Mama says, "Yes Mama" i said, "Why whats in that locket?" Uncle Eddie asks, "Something very very special" Mama answers, "I didnt know whats in there" I say, "You haven't opened it?" Uncle Eddie asks, "Yes unless Papa tells me so" i say, "But i think it has a adress on it" Mama says, "Hopefully who ever finds it will return it" I say.

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