Chapter 3: The Dream

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~~Dream/In mind~~


I order "English, get the door." Just then Francis comes in saying like he gives a damn "Richie. How you feeling?" I answer sarcastically then ask "Oh, I'm just peachy, yeah. How you feeling?" he shot back "I didn't get shot in the stomach earlier, so, you know, not bad." I start to voice my suspicions "Lucky, isn't it? All those bullets flying around, but the La Fontaines, they didn't land
a single one on you, hmm?" He then tells me "Not luck, Richie. It's, um . . . . . . it's skill." 

I then say "I guess I was too slow. So, where you been?" Francis explains "Made some calls. I checked in with a hi-fi shop, owes us a favor. They got a machine that can play the tape. I'm, I'm gonna go over with it this minute." I ask, "So you want to take the tape?" He answers "Yeah. Pronto." I suggest "Why don't I go with you." I start to get ready to go but Francis rebuttals "No, no. You're in no shape to be out there." I then state "So you want to walk out of here with this tape alone? Is that right?" Francis says simply "That's right." 

I then make another suggestion "I'll tell you what. Just wait for my pops to get here, you know? Then we can all listen to the tape together." Francis then states, "We don't have time." I ask wanting him to tell me why seeing what he'll come up with "What's the big rush?" He tells me "Every second the rat is alive is another second that your father is in danger." Just then English voices in "Gentlemen. If I know your father, Master Richie, your father would want you both to take a deep breath." I then smile pointing to myself telling Francis "Now . . . Glad you said that. My father. My father, Francis. It's my father who's in danger, not yours." 

Francis then says as if that means anything "I love your father like he was my own and I'm trying to help him." i then remind remembering "See, wasn't your father selling fucking tomatoes down on State Street before he died from a lifetime of being nothing to nobody? So maybe me and my pops don't need your fucking help. You ever think of that?" Francis then says getting upset "I'm gonna need that tape, pal, right now." 

I then say getting up is his face "Why don't you try and take it." Francis just says "Not tonight. Now give me the tape." I then state the obvious asking "Really, Francis, I mean, what's the, uh, what's the rush? I mean, really, my pops will be here any minute. Unless you don't want my pops listening to this tape." He asks pretending to be confused "What are you talking about? Huh?" 

I then just repeat making it simpler "Why don't you want my pops listening to this tape, Francis?" Francis says going for it "I said, give me the fucking tape." So I shove him and say "Ooh. Now who's too fucking slow?" Fracis says in a warning tone "Richie." I go "Mm?" He continues "Richie, for your own good, for the good of your father, I'm gonna take that tape now and I'm gonna leave. If you touch me again . . . . . . I'll break your fucking arm, you understand?" 

I state shaking my head slightly "You're such a fucking prick, you know that? Think you're so fucking smart." Francis then says warningly "Careful." I continue "Hmm? Smarter than everyone." English warns me "Careful, Master Richie." Just then Francis goes for the case, and I go for it as well just then it pops open revealing it gone. 

I pull out my gun pointing it at Francis and ask, "Where's the tape, Francis?" Francis states "You must be out of your mind to point that gun at me. English tries to talk but Francis speaks "Stop playing games, Richie. Where'd you put the tape? What was your plan? Did you hide it to try and trick me into confessing something? 'Cause that is somehow the dumbest thing you've done all day." I then state the motive to why I think he did it "Mm. Always wanted to be the big man, didn't you? No selling tomatoes for you. No, no, no. You don't want to work for my pops. You want to fucking be him." 

He then starts "I owe everything to that man." I continue "Well, guess what. As long as me and him are around, you ain't never gonna be number one." English says, "There's no need for this fighting." I keep talking "You slimy fuck, I had you pegged from day one. You know that? From the second I first laid eyes on you, I said, "Who the fuck is this son of a bitch?" He ain't family." 

Just then he goes on about the fucking marbles "No, I'm the guy who took six marbles to save your father's life because family wasn't there." I then say "Yeah, fuck you! I run this crew." Francis then says "No, your pops runs this crew. And I spend half of every day cleaning up your messes." I then state, "You want to see me make a mess?" Just then a noise sounds that distracts Francis and I take the opportunity to shoot but I miss and then I see as Francis turns shooting at me. I reach up to my throat feeling warmth run down my hand realizing what it is and I slowly fall to the ground looking up to see him standing over me saying "Damn it, Richie. Why'd you make me do that? These are the last words you're gonna hear, so, I hope you remember them in hell. You didn't die because you're dumb, because you're arrogant or because you're slow. It was because you're weak.

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