Chapter 5: Lesson Learned

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After researching for a few days, I decide it's time to go back to Deaton to find out what he has found and compare it to what I've found. As I drive, I can't help as my anxiety kicks in making me tap the wheel and after a bit I finally arrive at the clinic. I get out with my research, and I walk into the building going through the employee entrance going to the back where Deaton will be. 

I see him working with an animal, so I just wait patiently as possible and after he finishes, I clear my throat to get his attention. He looks at me and asks, "Hello Stiles, what brings you here?" I answer "Well I've been doing my own research and so I brought my book to show you. Here." I hand him my book and he looks it over nodding. 

He soon closes the book and I continue "I know it's not much but there really isn't a lot of stuff on past lives online. So, what about you, you had any better luck?" He turns around taking the animal in his arms before looking back at me "One second." I nod and he disappeared behind the door. He then comes back out and goes to his shelves.

He comes over to me with a book in hand and hands it to me saying "This book is all about past lives and reincarnation, but I'm sorry to say that it's mostly blank. It doesn't have much either." I open it and see that Deaton is right there's only like one page and it has the same information as what I found. I then hand it back to him throwing my hands up I state "So we hit a dead end. What am I supposed to do now?"

Deaton answers "I'm sorry but I don't have the answer, other than the fact that it's fine that you see a past life, sure it's not that common but it is normal. So that being said I say there's nothing you should do. Just live with it and learn from it." I listen and nod saying "Um, thanks Deaton. I think that's all I needed to hear. So, uh thanks. I get going." 

He nods and I leave feeling better. I go home and I lay on my bed thinking over the dream or memory. thinking that sure it's not that pleasant waking up thinking that you're bleeding out from a gunshot wound from the neck, but Deaton is right about what he said about learning from it. From what Francis said that I didn't die because I was slow, dumb or arrogant. 

It was because I was weak, but I'm not weak I have friends and a family that loves me. If that makes me weak then so be it. I love my life and I wouldn't change it or have another life because this is my life and I'll do what I want. I smile as I get up to get ready for bed and I have a feeling I'll sleep really well tonight.



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