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I'm looking for a place to start
And everything feels so different now


Three weeks had gone by
awfully slowly for the whole family.

Jisung and Hyunjin got closer
over time, often spending the time
between dinner and bedtime
together in one of their rooms,
just chatting and snacking
on whatever their little
ones were craving.

The older male was actually
even living only an hour away
from Gimpo so they promised to
visit each other one day when
the therapy was done.

Taemin, Hyunjin's son,
was only one year older than
Aera so they hopefully would get
along too just like their parents.

Having a close friend is nice
but having a close friend whose
kid is besties with your daughter
is even better.

Talking about children,
Minho couldn't help but raise
his brow in confusion when one
late evening he received a short
video clip from Jisung.

He tapped on the play button
curiously, opening the video like
this just to get a view of basically
his fiancé's perspective.

The blonde was laying on his bed with
his hand resting on his baby bump,
which had grown quite a lot,
Minho noted, and gently pressed
two fingers on the stretched skin.

'They're kicking'

Jisung spoke quietly and the
love of his life could tell that the
other was smiling.

Indeed the ravenette could see
those small nudges and in that
moment he was dying to feel
those tiny kicks.

It felt like they found out that
Jisung was pregnant again only
days ago but now their little one
was already moving.

So much had happened.

Bad things, less bad things.

There should be four little feet
kicking at the blonde's palm right
now but there were only two.

'Why aren't you sleeping already, hm?
Is it fun to play some more in there?
But papa is tired.'

Minho smiled widely at the
adorable papa-baby interaction,
maybe the therapy also functioned
as a time for Jisung to get closer
to their child.

And he really couldn't wait to feel
their little gummy bear moving too.

The younger male had already
reached the halftime of his
pregnancy but he was bigger
than with Aera at that stage,
as if their baby kept the
two-person-space for
themselves although
someone moved out.

Jisung didn't have the feeling that the
unborn was bigger than an average
kid nor were they really heavy,
apparently it wasn't a lie when
he had told Hyunjin that he had
a lot of amniotic fluid.

'Go to sleep, little gummy bear.'

And with that the video clip
ended although Minho swore
he could have watched their
baby kick and Jisung talk to
them for another few hours.

The blonde was doing so good.

Yeah, he might think that the
therapist was weird and the
strategy he used as well but
fact is that he was doing so
much better compared to
five weeks ago.

Especially considering
the circumstances.

"Do you think he's picking
out names, hm?"

Minho cooed as he scratched
Soonie's chin gently, earning a
soft meow from the orange kitty.

"I think so too.
But that's okay,
he has a good taste when
it comes to names.
All our babies have
pretty names, right?"

"I hate being pregnant"

Hyunjin huffed and pouted
before letting his pants fall in
a sulking manner, ignoring
Jisung's chuckling.

"You don't, you just hate that the
clothes don't grow with the baby."

"You're right, imagine wearing
pants until the last trimester
that don't scream
'I'm the last fitting piece of clothing,
that's why I got chosen'."

"Imagining this would only
make me sad, some dreams just
aren't meant to come true"

The younger one wiped a fake
tear before placing his hands
back on his tummy, pulling
his sweater down.

Although laying on his back
got uncomfortable the longer
he stayed like this because the baby
was pressing heavily on his spine,
he couldn't bring himself to
turn around.

Just laying on Hyunjin's bed
with his legs dangling from the
mattress and watching the other
struggle with his clothes while
caressing his bump felt good
right now.

When he had been pregnant
with Aera, he had avoided touching
or generally paying attention to his
belly at all costs but this time he
couldn't keep his hands off
his baby bump.

Maybe it was a way to subconsciously
check up on the tiny gummy bear,
to make sure they were okay.

After all that had happened,
Jisung needed to make sure
they were fine, consciously
and subconsciously.


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