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If I look back to the start
Now I know, I see everything true
There′s still a fire in my heart,
my darling
But I'm not burning for you
We started it wrong and I think
you know
We waited too long,
now I have to go


Hi Min, how are you doing?
I really miss you, you know?
Life is boring without you :<
But what can I do, there are
still three more weeks to endure.
And you know what?
I wasn't even allowed to eat pizza,
instead I got disgusting vegetables
with dry rice.. Our gummy bear had
wanted to eat pizza the whole week,
we're both deeply disappointed ;-;
Anyway the therapy is going well
I guess? The therapist is starting to
get on my nerves but he just tries
to help so I'll work with him.
I want to feel better.
He wanted me to talk only about
my parents for the past days, it's
just so exhausting. I don't see them
as my family anymore, why do we
still keep on talking about them?
He even says that I miscarried
because of a trauma they caused
when I was just a child,
that's just hilarious.. Right?
By the way, I made a friend!
His name is Hyunjin, he's my snack baby buddy! He was also not allowed to eat pizza because he's pregnant too but he brought snacks, he's truly a life saver!
Talk to you later, Min!
I love you so much~
Smooch our princesses and
the fur babies from me <3

"Poor papa and gummy bear,
they didn't even get some pizza, hm?"

Minho pouted and placed a soft peck
on Jinae's adorable chubby cheekie.

"We should make some the day
papa comes back home,
as a surprise, huh?"

But the tiny girl just mumbled
a soft 'papa' before yawning
cutely and her appa just ran
his fingers through her fluffy
short black hair.

"You miss him too, bean?
Papa misses you a lot too."

Jinae was the absolute cutest
when she was tired, her father just
wanted to bite her marshmallow
cheeks and hug her close because yes,
her little body fitted perfectly
in his embrace.

"My little bean,
you're starting to look like
your papa more and more.
No wonder uncle Binnie
can't keep his hands from
your adorable face."

Again the small one year old
just yawned when her appa nuzzled
his nose against her cheekie.

Soonie was already sound
asleep curled up on Jisung's pillow,
purring quietly as he moved his
paws subconsciously.

"Let's bring you to bed,
it's time to sleep.
Where's your kitty?"

But Jinae just giggled quietly
when her appa cuddled her close,
her tiny hands clasping onto his
big ones over her cute chubby

"I see, it's already waiting
for you in your bed, princess.
More snuggles first while appa
texts papa or are you very sleepy,
little one?"


"Okay darling,
snuggles for my adorable
squishy baby squirrel.
Anything you want to tell papa?
Or your sibling?"

The small girl looked up at
Minho with her big doe eyes
already half-closed and mumbled
a soft 'papa' before biting into
the fabric of her appa's sleeve.

She always preferred her parents'
clothes over her pacifier,
her father didn't know why.

"Alright, sweetie."

Hey Sungie <3
The kids and I are doing good,
we miss you a lot too though.
Aera always asks me if there's anything new about the gummy bear but what can I say, hm?
I'm sad that they don't even provide you with the food you deserve but I promise that I'll treat you with all the delicious things once you get home!
Whatever you two want, I'll make it.
Also concerning the therapy, please don't forget that you're not obligated to share anything, alright?
If you don't feel comfortable talking about certain things, then don't.
If the therapist makes you uncomfortable, please tell someone.
Maybe your buddy Hyunjin, he seems nice. Does he live near Gimpo?
Maybe he can visit us some time when the babies are here, if you want of course!
Biggest kissies back to you, love.
And to the tiny gummy bear of course, tell them appa and their sisters love them very much.
I hope you have a good night, only three more weeks until I can hug you to sleep again <3
I love you, Sungie


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