Chapter 1

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(Lily's POV)
I was only 5 years old when my parents got divorced and I was heart broken because I would only see my dad one in a while. I don't blame my mom for divorcing my dad because he has a drinking problem and he would get mad and aggressive even hit my mom sometimes he doesn't hit me he just yells at me and I don't like yelling it's really scary and I even cry and have meltdowns when my parents argue and when my dad's yelling he would even start doing very bad things to my mom only. At the divorce place my mom and dad signed everything and me and my mom moved to New York City "You are going to love it in New York,Lily,and be careful because of criminals and bad people live here,too" said my mom and I looked at her and said "Okay,I'll be careful mommy" and when we moved in to April's apartment with her and her dad we started to get to know each other and we would always talk she would even let Kasey come over sometimes and we would always hang out together even my mom and Mr.April will always be with us my life was better til my dad came to see me I didn't want anything to do with him so my mom told him to leave and I will see him in person when I was ready and he understood and left we would talk once a week.

Few weeks later

My mom told me we were going on the roof top to meet some other friends of her and they were mutants five turtles,one gator,one pigeon,one gecko,and one monkey and they had a girl with them,too."Lily,I would like you to meet Leo,Raph,Donnie,Mikey,and Splinter,over there is Slash,Leather-head,Doc,Pete,Gecko-man,and Karai. Everyone I like you all to me,Lily she is my daughter and she's 6 years old and her birthday is February,16 and that was a few weeks ago" my mom said after interdicting us all to each other and we began being close friends mostly me,Mikey,and Leo because we all like the same thing.

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