Two - Glitter Glue

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Now trapped in the daycare with the animatronic that easily towered over you, you were unsure of what to do. Vanessa had said for you to introduce yourself, so maybe you should do that. Turning to the mechanical giant, you opened your mouth to speak, but was interrupted before you could get a letter out.

"Sorry for scaring you before! I saw you and officer Vanessa when you were walking by and thought you were going to go by and I'd never see you again! You don't look young enough to be officer Vanessa's child- is she your sister? But why would she drop you off so late? Everyone else has already left!"

You laughed at the robots rambling. "It's not that at all." Sun tilted his head in confusion, which looked eerie considering he was stuck with a permanent smile that almost sent shivers down your spine. "I was here for a job interview, and surprisingly I got the job, so she's showing me around the place. I guess we're coworkers now, huh Sun?"

"Oh, congratulations!" He straightened to his full height, being about a whole 2-3 feet taller than you, as he clapped his hands, the bells on his wrists jingling with every movement. "Oh, oh, come with me! Do you like glitter glue? How about googly eyes? Oh, and sparkles! Everyone likes sparkles, you'd be silly not to." As the robot rambled again, he gently pushed you in the direction of the art supplies that were still lying. The robot hummed a tune you didn't recognise with noticeable enthusiasm. Listening to the sounds of the daycare, you noticed that the song he was humming was the music you could faintly hear playing.

You obliged to Sun's wishes, not resisting when he sat you down and laid on his stomach next to you after getting some paper for the two of you to draw on. Adjusting your position, you laid down next to him, grabbing the items you wished to use for your drawing. "I probably should've said this before, but my name's Y/N. It's nice to meet you Sun."

Sun silently stared at you for a moment before patting your head. "That's such a nice name! It suits you so well! And it's a pleasure to meet you too! We're going to be great friends! Best friends!"

You laughed at the animatronics enthusiasm, resuming in your drawing as you listened to the white-eyed animatronic hum along to the music playing. You smiled at the animatronics childish actions, finding them fitting for the area he had to take care of. Your smile dropped as you thought more about it. I know they're programmed to do it, but it's still kinda sad that they only exist to work. Especially since they're probably programmed to enjoy it. Poor things.

"Y/N? What's wrong?" You were snapped from your thoughts by Sun's curious voice. Turning to him, you noticed he mostly communicated his emotions through head movement, which made it slightly easier to understand him considering he had a smile etched into his face. You furrowed your brows as you stared at him.

"Have you ever considered getting a remodel or something?" You spoke, almost without thinking. "Oh, shoot! Sorry, that sounds mean, it's just- I noticed that your eyes have gone white, so I thought you were due for a repaint. And you're always smiling and stuff, so I thought it'd be easier for you and the kids if you could express what you were feeling more. Sorry again."

Sun was silent as he thought about your words. You had mistaken it for him feeling offended though and hid your face in your hands in embarrassment. You mumbled about how you wished the world would just mercy you for once, sparing you from your misery by opening up and swallowing you whole.

"I've never thought about it. Some of the kids and parents have said that I look scary, but some others have said I look nice. There have been a lot of complaints about Moon lately though- ah! I mean, there isn't anything wrong with him, he just- He's a little enthusiastic sometimes!" Sun began to frantically wave his hands around, and you noticed some of the rays on his head, or in really, were retracting into his head.

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