⚡️ Chapter Fourteen ⚡️

Start from the beginning

"Have you told him yet?" Armin asks.

I look over at him to see that he's still looking in the direction that Marco ran off in. "Yeah. I told him while we were waiting for Jean and the others to get back."

He gasps softly and looks at me. "And?"

"He feels the same." I reply with a smile, but then drop it. "I just wish I could've told him under better circumstances..."

"What matters is that you told him." He smiles. "I'm happy for you. I'm sure it feels good getting it off your chest."

I nod. "Yeah...but, uh, I've got to go get some gas."

"Ok. What about your blades?" He asks.

I wave a hand at him. "I'm only missing one pair and I don't think I'll be slaying many, if any, Titans. I'll be fine."

"Ok then." He nods. "I'll be refilling my tanks and restocking my blades. I'll meet you outside."

I nod firmly. "Alright."

We separate from each other. Armin ran off toward the blades and I ran toward the gas. Once I reach the giant tanks that hold the gas for our smaller tanks, I quickly fill my tanks up and put them back in my gear, but as I start to leave, I find Sasha crying.

"Sasha..." I crouch down in front of her. "What's wrong?"

She carefully slides one of her tanks into her gear. "I caved in front of the whole gang..." She suddenly brings her hands to her head. "I'm never going to be able to face any of them again!"

"God damn it, Sasha! Feel sorry for yourself later! Focus on escape!" Connie exclaims.

I look up at him. "Let her be, Connie. I know I'd feel the same if I were in her shoes."

"Oh, Y/n!" Sasha grabs me by my shoulders. "I feel like I've failed you and Armin most of all! I ruined your plan!"

I shake my head. "No. You did great. You did you're best and that's good enough. I mean, you were doing this without any gas. Mikasa and Annie ended up finishing the job anyway. We're okay."

She nods slowly. "Yeah...yeah. We're okay and I did fine. Thanks."

"How do you always have the right words to say?" Connie asks.

I stand up. "I don't always, but I'd have to say I got it-"

"By being your smart, beautiful, and kind self, right? Isn't that what you were going to say, Doll?" Reiner asks, appearing out of no where.

I quickly turn around. "Uh, no. I was going to say that I got it from my grandpa. Now he always said the right things, but, uh, thank you, Reiner."

"Oh, drop the charm, Reiner!" Connie yells, putting his tanks in his gear. "Now isn't the time to flirt with her! We've got Titans to kill!" Then, he runs away. I assume that he went to get some blades.

"What's made him so eager all of a sudden?" Reiner questions, as he watches Connie.

"He's just doing what we're intended to do." I hang my head. "We've got to get back outside soon, but...this may be the last time we see a lot of these people. In fact, this will probably be the last time I'm seen by anybody..."

"Come on, Doll." Reiner wraps an arm around my shoulders and starts leading me somewhere. "Don't think about shit like that. How about joining my squad? I'll make it my top priority to keep you safe."

"If I join with your squad, can Armin join too?" I ask, looking up at him. "We're all that's left of our squad..."

He nods. "Sure thing. I know how much he means to you."

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