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Hermione heard her front door creak open while she was finishing packing in her room.

"Draco?" she called out as she closed her trunk. She had packed everything while he was gone, not taking a second longer. She was ready to leave Hogwarts, get on with her life. She was nervous about heading back to the burrow, how the boys would take her pregnancy, how they would react to finding out who the father was.

"Draco, is that you?" she tried again.

No answer, the door slammed shut. Crookshanks began to hiss, running back into her room.

"Theo?" her heart began to pick up. She took crooks into her arm and looked around for her wand. Looking to her desk, then to her bed. She couldnt find it. She went to open her trunk when a spell hit her, sending her flying back against the wall, dropping crookshanks as she went.

A warmness began to trickle down her face, she brought her fingers up to touch it- blood. She tried refocusing her eyes as a shadow moved in front of her. Cool, pale, pink manicured skinny fingers came into view as they grabbed her face, muttering a sticking charm.

The hand shook her from side to side, focusing her eyes.

"Well, hello there." Astoria stood in front of her, a crazed smile playing across her lips, her voice sickly sweet.

"Astoria.." Hermione groaned, her head throbbing, the blood blurring her eyes.

"Oh no, we can't have that now can we?" Astoria swiped her fingers across Hermione's eyes, clearing the blood from her view. She stared down at her blood soaked hands for a moment then back up to Hermione.
"I want you to watch as I kill you." another sweet smile as she backed away and sat on her bed.

"Please-" Hermione tried moving her hand to wipe the blood clouding her vision again, but she couldn't move. Her body felt weighed down to the wall, her arms stuck by her sides as she watched Astoria lean against her trunk.

"I'm sorry, what was that? Were you calling for Draco before?" her finger tapping against her chin.

"Astoria, please you don't have to do this-'

"Oh no, I think towards the end you asked for Theo, yes?" Astoria stood and came closer, her hand behind her back.
"I wonder what it's like.. Having a Nott and a Malfoy obsessed with you. Is it hard to choose? Yes, it must be hard, I mean.." she began to pace back and forth in front of Hermione.
"You have Draco, all rough around the edges, but I've seen. I've seen the way he looks at you." Astoria's face pulled into a sneer.
"And then, you have Theo..sweet, caring Theo. Fighting for your honor and your attention."
Astoria pulled a dagger from behind her back, twirling it in her hand.
"Who do you love more, Hermione?" her pacing stopped.
"Is it Draco? Or is it Theo?" her head tilted to the side, questioning her.

"Astoria, please.. You don't have to do this..." Hermione begged again.

"See the thing is mudblood, you're getting in my way. And with that.." Astoria pointed the dagger towards Hermione's stomach.
"That is supposed to be mine. I am supposed to be the next Lady of Malfoy Manor. I will not accept a halfblood bastard into mine and Draco's life." she walked closer, dragging the tip of the dager softly across Hermione's throat.

"No no no no, please please stop" Hermione shut her eyes tightly, trying to arch her neck away from the blade. A warm buzz began to burn against her chest. Her locket. She focused on the buzzing, trying to search for Draco through the connection.

"Then choose. Who is it, mudblood? Draco or Theo?" Astoria pressed the blade a bit harder, nicking her skin, releasing another stream of blood down her throat.

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