History Repeats Itself

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"Draco, my son,what a pleasant surprise." Lucius sat across from Draco and Theo, chained to a metal chair, manacles on each wrist suppressing his magic. His sarcastic drawl conveying this was anything but pleasant.

"Father." Draco replied. He hated being in this fucking place, the brand on his neck started to itch and the darkness felt like there was something hiding in between the shadows, waiting to pounce and never let go.

Lucius drug his eyes away from Draco and looked over to Theo.
"Ah,Theodore Nott Jr."
"How's your father? He still alive in here?"

"Fuck if I know" Theo lit the cigarette he got from draco, inhaling it deep and blowing it out through his nose. He wasn't here to fucking chit chat. He wanted to get in and get out. He knew his father was lurking about somewhere within this hell hole and he'd rather fucking not have a run in with the disturbed bastard.

"Well then." Lucius leaned back in his chair, closing his hands together, placing them in his lap.
"Aren't you two just the dynamic duo. Two pathetic excuses for heirs. After all we've.."

"Oh shut the fuck up" Theo cut him off, ashing his cigarette on the floor.
"Draco,get on with it already."

Draco cleaned his throat, sweat beading across his forehead. He began..

"SIT UP STRAIGHT WHEN YOU TALK TO ME BOY!" Lucius's fist came down against the metal table, causing Draco to wince back.

Without a second thought Draco straightened his spine, squared his shoulders back, killing any emotion forming within him.

"That's more like it. You're a Malfoy, BOY. A sorry excuse for one, but your one all the same" Lucius leaned back against his chair again.
"Now go on.. SPEAK."

Draco cleared his throat
"Father, Mother and I have been searching for the locket.."

"The locket?" Lucius interrupted
"What could you possibly need the locket for already, the contract has not been signed."

Draco sat back, running his fingers through his hair, trying to steady his breath.
"Astoria is pregnant" he tried to lie.

"If Astoria were the one to be carrying your heir, I would've heard about it from her father already."
"You're lying,boy. You never were a good liar"

Theo glanced over to Draco, clearly cracking under pressure in front of his father.
"Where's the fucking locket Malfoy" Theo knew they were wasting time, Hermione would be waking up soon. He had to see her, make sure she was okay. Make sure the golden fucking light actually worked.

A grin spread across Lucius's face. A slow disgusting grin that didn't quite reach his eyes. He sat back again, looking back and forth between Theo and Draco. His gaze settled on Theo.

"Now why would you be here? You haven't even visited your father, yet you come with Draco, demanding the locket." He sat back up clasping his hands together, a knowing look growing on his worn face.
"You two have been fucking the same cunt, am I right?"

Theo showed no emotion. He didn't answer, didn't move, didn't breathe. He was used to games like this, his father would play them all the time.

Lucius looked over to Draco.
"And you, you seem to have been the one dumb enough to plant your seed into the whore."

Theo's knuckles turned white.

Draco sat up straighter leaning into his father's face.

"Where's the fucking locket father" Draco's hard gaze unmoving as he stared back into Lucius.

"Yes, yes. I knew I was right."
"Now let's see, who could the tramp be. Obviously not pureblood as this one over here refuses to get in line and follow in his father's footsteps." Lucius looked to Theo.
"Your mother.." he began

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