One Last Time

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Hermione startles in bed, rolling over, she checks her clock, 3 am.

Crookshanks jumps up, heading for the front door. Hermione rubs at her eyes, debating if she even wants to answer the obnoxious knocks.


She groans, tossing the blankets off of her. It can't possibly be him. She just saw him with Astoria in the great hall, hanging all over him, actually spoon feeding him. She left dinner early, had barely picked at her plate. She headed back to her room. It was too much for her to watch. But only he would be at her door at three in the morning demanding her attention.



"I'M COMING." she yells towards the door.

She rolls out of bed, tossing on an oversized shirt. She stomps her way across the small single room, swinging open the door just as the person on the other side is about to bang again. He stumbles forward catching himself on her shoulders.

"Hi, Granger." he smirks.

"What do you want, Malfoy." Hermione rolls her eyes, pushing him off of her, crossing her arms over her chest.

"OH? We are back to "Malfoy" now, are we?" He flutters his annoyingly long lashes.

He reeks of fire whiskey and the muggle herb Luna snuck in and began distributing this year.

"You're drunk, aren't you." It's not a question, she can clearly see his blood shot eyes and rumpled clothing.

Draco takes a step into her room. Closing the door a bit loudly behind him. She backs into the kitchen and sits on the counter.

" Why are we back to "Malfoy" now, Granger?'' He steps between her legs and leans toward her, bringing their faces just a breath apart. He's taller now, leaner, his wiry muscles flexing in his arms as he cages her in against the counter. Hermione already feels herself settling into their familiar ways.

"How's Astoria?" She whispers as Draco moves in to press his lips to hers.

He visibly flinches back but gathers himself. "Don't know, don't care really." he tries again, brushing his lips against hers.

Hermione pulls back slightly, their lips touching with every word she says "Really? Could've fooled me. What was she spoon feeding you at dinner tonight? Cobbler or pudding?"

He grips her waist, taking a deep breath through his nose "Someone's jealous I see".

Hermione scoffs, knowing good and well she's deeply jealous and a bit pissed off.

"Absolutely not."

Malfoy's eyes darken, clearly reading the want in her. He'd always been too good at knowing exactly what she was thinking. "Just one more time." his fingers dance up her thigh, tugging at the hem of her shirt.

Hermione knows what he's asking for and she feels like a fool for letting him skirt his hand up but something inside her can't deny him.

She could say it was the depression that made her initially give in, or the way everyone else around her was acting like nothing happened. But if she was being honest it was because he was the only one to notice her.

He'd grown into his features. No longer the pointy faced boy from years past. He had filled out nicely, wearing rings on every other finger, always dressed impeccably in black. An Azkaban brand burned into his skin just behind his ear. He served only a few months before Harry invited her to fight for his release during the trials.

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