"Do you want me to kiss you?" I teased and looked up to her face. She slowly nodded her head with her lips parted. She is so temping

I pressed my lips against hers and held her hips tightly. She moaned and deepend the kiss. Her soft lips moved against mine so roughly that I groaned and laid her on the bed with me on top of her hoovering over her

She held me by my neck to be the closest to me and wrapped her legs around my torso. I bet she immediately felt my hard crotch because she bit my lip and moved her hips against me 

I broke the kiss and looked into her eyes. All I saw was how dark they were, she was full of lust just how I love it 

I kissed her again but this time, I pressed my hips against her crotch as she moaned into the kiss and sucked onto my tongue which made my brain explode. I bit her lip so much that she broke the kiss and breathed out hardly 

I leaned down and kissed her neck to let her breathe for a second. She played with my hair tugging, stroking, scratching everything made me roll my eyes in pleasure 

She arched her back just when I bit her sweet spot, I wanted to connect our lips again but the sudden sound made me look up

There stood Henry, with his hands over his chest and an angry look on his face. It took Em a while to recognize her boyfriend standing by the door

She widened her eyes and quickly stood up. The look on her face said it all, she would piss her pants 

"What the fuck?!" Henry shouted, his nosetrills were wide as well as his eyes. 

"Bro let me explain" I stood up, his look immediately moved to my bulge before glaring at me murderously

"How dare you" Henry said through gritten teeth

I shook my head "it's not how it looks like" I argued but he just chuckled dryly. His gaze moved from me to Emma

"How dare you" he pointed his finger at her. I could say she's fighting her tears

"Let her be, this is between you and me, not her." I warned and clenched my jaw. If i have to hit my brother for her then I will sure do it

"Oh really? So she wasn't the one you were making out just a few seconds ago?" He said sarcastically and huffed

"You know what I mean" I clenched my fists "let's just keep her out of this"

"You have no rights to tell her what to do! I am her boyfriend not you!" Henry shouted at me

"Oh really? When you are her so called boyfriend how can't you know we're doing this for quite a long time. Right, sweetheart?" I teasingly looked at Emma who just slowly nodded but was looking on the floor

"You fucking bastard" Henry said before storming closer to me and hitting me to the jaw

I glared at him while rubbing the place with my hand

"She is mine not yours! Come on Emma" Henry walked towards her and reached his hand towards her but I stopped him before he could by punching him in the cheek


I watched wide eyes as Asher hit Henry into the cheek.

My world is tearing apart and I can't stop it anyhow.

"You're fucked" Henry said before they both started to threw punches on each other

The horrible part about this was that there is their sister sleeping next door and they're like noise making monsters

They suddenly both appeared on the floor, Henry on top of Asher. I think Asher somehow knows that Henry has to beat his anger away because Asher is better at fighting than him

"Guys stop please" I begged and held Henry by his shoulders to get him up but he ripped out of my touch and punched Asher into the eye

"Henry!" I shouted as I saw Asher's ripped lip and blood coming out of his nose

I kneeled behind Henry to get more force into getting him away but the sudden elbow punching into my face made me fall on the floor and held my cheek

The two of them stopped their theatre and looked at me. Asher pushed Henry away and kneeled next to me to look at my face

I fought the tears as he slowly stroke it and observe it

"Em, I'm sorry" Henry started and tried to kneel down next to me but Asher pushed him on his butt and looked at me again

"Are you okay?" Ash asked carefully and helped me to sit up

"Y-yeah I'm okay" I stuttered but didn't really tell the truth. It hurts like hell "are you okay?" I wondered seeing the blood over his face

"Yeah it's nothing" he softly smiled as someone cleared their throat. We both turned towards Henry who now stood up above us, the angry expression on his face again

His eyes telling 'i am the one who should take care of her'

"Ash please can you leave us alone for a second? I think I should talk to him" I said carefully. Asher looked at me with hesitation, he clenched his jaw but nodded and last time looked if I'm okay before leaving not forgetting on bumping into Henry's shoulder

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