Chapter 6

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Maya's POV:

After forever I convinced myself to go back.

There I stood in front of the door. One step away from the drama that'll come now.

I open the door and all eyes shoot on me.

"MAYA" Riley runs to me and hugs me.

I hug Riley back "yea hi"

"Thank god you're okay" Lucas says as he comes closer.

He wants to hug me but I stop him and walk pass him.

"No- -" he starts.

"Save it" I say.

I wanted to go Rileys room but Topanga and Cory stood in front of me.

"Not so fast" Cory says.

"Honey are you okay?" Topanga asks me.

I nod and try to go now but they won't let me.

"Where were you?" Cory asks.

"Why does it matter? I'm here now, aren't I?"

"Maya, I asked you something"

"Yea and I answered" I say.

Topanga and Cory take my hand and sit with me on the couch.

Eveybodys eyes are on me again, begging me to say something.

"Fine! I was at my house"

Their eyes shot open.

"What!?" They shout.

"Calm down everybody. I haven't been there in a week." I say.

"For good." Cory says.

"Excuse me?" I ask.

"You know why we didn't want you to go there. Especially alone" Topanga says.

"What does it matter? It's my house. My choice. I can do whatever I want."
I say as I stood up.

Cory stoop up too and faced me "No you can't. You're only 15."

"Since when are you the boss of me?" I shout.

Riley starts "Maya - -"

"Oh you don't even have to start. I feel like nobody understands me. What the hell is wrong with you people?" I turn around and was ready to go upstairs now.

"Maya I understand you!" Lucas says.

"We've been through that!" I say to him.

"Can you please come back and sit down honey?" Topanga asks me.

"No. You're not my parents. Now leave me alone!" I shout and run upstairs.


The door slams open "How could you?" Riley says.


"You were so rude to my parents"

"Riley calm down" Lucas says and puts a hand on her shoulder.

"Did you hear how they talked to me?!" I ask her and come closer.

"They did nothing wrong. They wanted to help" She shouts.

"Well I don't need their god damn help" I push her away and walk out the room.

Lucas grabs my hand and turns me around "don't run away again"

"Oh let go off me!" I say pissed.

"What the heck happened to us?" I can hear how hurt he is.

"There's no us anymore" I say quietly.

His eyes shot red "what?"

I feel tears coming. I come closer to him and kiss his cheek.

"I'm sorry" I whisper and run downstairs and out of the door.

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