Chapter 3

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Maya's POV:

"See ya later?" Lucas asked as we stood in front of my house.

He walked me home from school.

I nodded and he leaned in. So did I.

Our lips connected and we smiled.

I walked into my house and there she was.

Laying on the couch looking like a dead thing.

Not moving. Smelling like alcohol. Beer and chips were everywhere.

The tv was still on. She fell asleep while watching it.

I turned off the tv and put a blanket over her even though she doesn't deserved it.

I took a sandwhich out of the fridge and walked upstairs.

I sat by my window and ate.

As I finished eating I layed down in my bed and thought.

I thought about different stuff. Life. School. Lucas. My mom. Dad..

Sometimes I asked myself who the adult in this house was.

My mom wasn't acting like one for sure.
She couldn't even take care of me.

I stood up and walked down the stairs.

Looked into the mirror a last time because I was meeting Lucas.

I walked by the couch where my mom layed on but I stopped in front of the door.

I turned around and walked to her.

Something was different.

I placed my hand in front of her face. I couldn't feel any breathe.

I took her hand and nothing.

I started to panic and started shacking her. "MOM. MOM WAKE UP"

Nothing happened. She just continued laying there.

"C'MON MOM THIS ISN'T FUNNY. FUCKING WAKE UP NOW" I screamed with tears running down my face.

Still nothing.

"NO NO NO" I shaked her shoulders harder.

I stopped. She didn't breathe.

I fell onto the ground screaming "NOOOOO"

I layed on the floor crying the shit out of me "WHY THE HELL ARE YOU DOIN THIS TO ME"

I heard someone punching the door.

I couldn't move. I was laying in pain. In my tears. Next to my dead mother.

I continued screaming and crying. I couldn't control myself.

The door smashed open and Lucas ran to me.


He looked at my mom and then at me.

"Oh no. Oh my god Maya" he wrapped his hands around me.

I continued screaming out the pain in my body "NOOOO. SHE CAN'T BE- - "

"Shhh please. Maya please" Lucas was crying too.

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