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Today had been the busiest day yet. Breakfast was so rushed, and don't even mention the rehearsal.  Nothing was really wrong, Ichi- no, Leo/Need sounded great. Nobody told me not to sit directly in front of the stage though... You thought while rubbing your sore ears. Honami felt bad, so she bought you a cookie from a convenience store on the way back to the resort. 

I'm definitely calling it a night early. When you arrived at the resort, the girls said they were going to go out for a bit, but wanted to change into something more suited for the occasion. You meanwhile you were going straight to bed. As it became dark, The girls sent you pictures of them hanging out at different places. 

It could have just been you worrying, but you could have sworn that you saw a re appearing figure in all of the photos. A fan maybe? What if it was a stalker? Your panic increased as Ichika sent you a group photo, and the same man was in it. You quickly got dressed again, but wore a hat and a different hairstyle so they didn't think you were spying on them. You than headed to the restaurant that they were at. 

When you arrived, you weren't planning on talking to them, just keeping an eye out. You than saw the figure from the picture. He was taking a picture of Ichi- no, of them! Just than you pretend to need to use the bathroom and walked right in front of his camera as he was about to take the shot. You had to follow through though, so you walked into the bathroom. Just than, Ichika walked in. She seemed to just be adjusting her hair. 

You couldn't help but stare in awe. How could a person be so close to perfect? You coughed on your own spit when you remembered how clingy she had been the other night. It was kind of nice though. That's when you realized your cough had disturbed her. " Oh I'm sorry! Didn't see you there. " She said. You also apologized, and then left. The girls did too. You followed them to a shopping mall, where Saki bought just about anything she saw. Honami was running to try and catch up, while Shiho and Honami seemed to be more slow paced shoppers.

Ichika saw you again. She looked a little weirded out though. Great, now I'm the stalker. You said to yourself. That's when you saw the same man from the restaurant picking up a hair clip that dropped out of Saki's hair. I have to tell them! you rushed after the girls to let them know about the situation. It seems they were walking down the stair well to most likely leave. Ichika saw you, but instead of ignoring you like she usually did, she started walking towards you. 

She looked a bit scary, and you started to back up. You fished your phone from your pocket to show her the person in the pictures, but she grabbed the phone from out of your hands. You were against a wall, unable to move further back, she loomed over you. " Why are you following us". She questioned. You tried to move around her to explain but she wouldn't let you. She could be really scary.

" I-i well..." That's when she seemed to realize that it was just you. She backed up, and her intimidating stare was replaced with an embarrassing pinker face. " When you all sent me those pictures, I noticed a man in all of them. I thought he was following you, and I just wanted to keep an eye out for you" You explained to them all. " He was trying to take pictures, and even took Saki's hair clip" You elaborated. " I'm so sorry!" Ichika apologized staring down to the ground. " no I would have done the same thing if someone was following me around" You reassured her. " By the way, can I have my phone please?" You asked her. She timidly handed it to you, and went to the back of the group. 

"It's alright!" Honami said. " You can just come with us back to the resort" She said and lead everyone to the car. Ichika didn't talk as much as the others during this ride home.

Once you had arrived, you were finally ready to go to bed for real this time, when you heard another knock on the door. It was Ichika. She placed a finger to her lips. " Shhhh" 

Future of Us- Ichika Hoshino x unspecified readerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ