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Everyone was rushing, including you. The performance started in less that an hour, and the stadium was filling up. You made sure Ichika and Shiho had their instruments tuned, and that Honami and Saki were all set up. 

You were anxiously chugging a coffee. You couldn't mess this up. You had to impress Ichi- Leo/need! 

While you were still chugging, a hand grabbed your wrist and separated you from your coffee. " Woah woah it's alright!" It was Ichika. You looked at her, suddenly feeling calmer. " Don't be stressed we do this all the time! Besides what use is my favorite manager if they can't even think straight from caffeine?" She asked playfully. " I'm sorry... My old group never had big gigs like this one." You told her. 

" Well, I know you're watching, so I can't disappoint can I?" She said while standing up taller. You stared at her, but she quickly rushed off because the concert was about to begin. 

They all started by introducing themselves to the crowd, and did their first song. This was one you knew. You had heard in on the radio a few times. It was called Dramaturgy. hearing it live was different though.

Ichika had a very powerful voice. You could tell why her fan following was so big. 

The next few songs they preformed hyped up the crowd up.

Than, just at the end, Ichika announced the new album and the stadium lit up with screams of excitement from people in the crowd. A few items from fans were thrown, which would be immideatly discarded.

Ichika and the rest of the group walked off stage while an add for the new album played. 

" That was awesome!" You stood up and clapped. " thank you" Ichika said staring at her feet. 

" Tomorrow, can we go do something interesting before we leave London? We should go to a bar!" Saki said peppy as ever. the girls agreed, and everyone was cleaning up the stadium. You and the girls got a ride back to the resort though.

You stayed awake for as long as you could, expecting Ichika to show up. She never did though. You couldn't' blame her. She was probably tired from the concert.

You slept soundly and was ready to spend your last few days in London, enjoying it to the fullest.

" Reader?" Some one said. 

" yes? Who is it?" you responded. 

" it's me Ichika Your girlfriend remember?"


" Uhm excuse me?" You said sitting up. You immediately realized you were dreaming when you saw the wondrous area you and Ichika were in. 

Trying to wake up so you wouldn't have to suffer remembering this while around her.

The dream Ichika gave you a hug before you woke up the next morning. Part of you felt slightly sad. Why though?

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