New Beginnings

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Author note!!-    Okay so this might not be how this stuff works but just accept it because all of this is based on a dream I had. I'm not sure how it all really works but hey this sin't for accuracy. Story begins below...

" Uuuuggghhhh" You sighed to yourself while walking down the street. You had just quit being a manager of a band that didn't seem to appreciate you. Now that you had finished ranting at those skanks,  the realization that you didn't have a job finally set in. What am I going to do now?

You didn't think the agency you worked with had any bands who needed a manager. You got in your car and drove to the agency building. When you got back, and entered the boss's room to discuss being placed with a different band or such, you saw one of the beginning groups, Leo/need was already there, complaining about the manager they had been placed with.

" He leaked everything!" The bass guitarist Shiho almost yelled. " Can we please get a new one?"  Their peppy keyboardist Saki pleaded. Your boss stood and placed a hand on his forehead. " I'm really sorry girls, but we don't have anybody at the moment who can replace your current one". They all started sulking. You felt slightly bad for them. "Uhmm... I can" You said trying not to seem like an interruption. " But aren't you working with HighTide?" Your boss questioned. " Uhm about that, I quit on them... They weren't being respectful at all" You explained.

" Really!! Thank you so much!!" the keyboardist said with glee. " I would have said no, but I guess I can't now..." Your boss said. Looking at all of their happy faces. " Alright it's settled, Reader will be Leo/Needs new manager." 

Now you were sitting in the recording studio listening to the group record a new song for an album.  They're really good! You thought to yourself. This new album is scheduled to release in two weeks, and this is the last song. You noted to yourself. Once the recording was done, everyone dispersed to their own private homes. This is when you were informed that the band would be going on tour. Of course they told me this the day after I became the new manager AND tour manager apparently. You took the rest of the day to shop for travel supplies, and buy a ticket on the same plane as the band. This is my first time flying first class! You smiled excitedly. I wonder if I'm going to be sitting next to a complete stranger.

You really really hoped not. After you got home and packed your bags, you set them by the door of your apartment. Cooking up a fast dinner, you heard a knock at your door. You opened it to be greeted with Leo/Need. Honami Mochizuki was holding a cheese platter, and Saki Tennma was holding a fancy bottle of Champagne. "Oh welcome!" You said opening the door awkwardly. " We wanted to drop by and give you these! For your troubles" Saki said setting down the gifts on your counter top. " Thanks very much! You're welcome to stay for dinner." Saki looked towards the bassist Shiho. " Can we?" She asked. " I don't see why not" Shiho responded. 

You made plates for everyone and began to eat. " You're a wonderful cook- what's your name again?" The lead singer and guitarist Ichika asked you. " My names Reader L/N" You said. " This tastes amazing! If I could I'd come over every night" She said smiling. You couldn't help but smile at how sweet she was. " Thank you very much" You said looking at your hands that were seated in your lap. 

After dinner, you all celebrated with a toast of the Champagne the girls had gotten you. I have a feeling I won't be quitting on them. You thought to yourself while smiling uncontrollably.

Future of Us- Ichika Hoshino x unspecified readerWhere stories live. Discover now