Star Wars - Endgame

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The group didn't reveal themselves. They stayed cloaked. However, they stepped forward, and one spoke.

Even through the cleverly disguised voice, Sophie could recognize her cousin Dex. If she could even call him that anymore.

"Elves! Listen to me! You have been kept in the dark for too long. You think that your prejudices are justified. This is not the case." Dex said.

The figure on the right, who was probably Tam, said, "People are fighting back. Some will use words and clever strategies. Other groups are not so lenient. They will use any means to get what they want."

"This seems to be the case with our council. They claim they are superior, but is that so? They unfairly label innocent children. The flogging of Edward Pale a few days ago? The mysterious disappearance of outspoken members of the community? The burning at the stake of people weeks ago? This is not humane! Open your eyes!" This was obviously Marella. You could practically hear her seething.

"We don't have to hide. We shouldn't have to. The Great interspecial War centuries ago? We were promised things would change. We didn't spend all the time and effort, training you idiots, giving you guys gear, for you to replace one tyrant with twelve. We make our stand here." Linh said, her silvery voice filled with heartbreak.

"You won't see the errors of your ways. So you will pay the price." Jensi said.

"Say hi to Hades for me!" Jocelyn said, then they pulled off their hoods.

The crowd seemed to recoil and come back to life.

As for Sophie and her friends... They were angry. They had just began to trust these people. They had just incited an act of war.

The group had changed out of their clothes from earlier, and were wearing deadly scary mission suits, lined with weapons and embroidered with the sign of the swan.

Marella stepped forward, and looked at the kids from earlier, who they had just began to trust, straight in the eyes, and said, "I'm sorry it had to be this way. Perhaps, in another world, we could be."

Then she held up her palm, and set the stage on fire.

The rest was chaos.

Everyone was leaping away, and cries of pain could be heard.

Sophie grabbed her friends hands and teleported them to Everglen.

They collapsed on the ground, coughing and hacking.

Once they could finally breathe, the adults had arrived.

Grady and Edaline crushed Sophie in one of their trademark bear hugs. Sophie sank into the hug, not wanting to let go. She felt like a baby again, tired, cranky, and hungry. One look at her friends told her that they felt the same way.

Finally Alden spoke up.

"The council has requested an audience with all of you." He said gravely.

"Did anyone die?" Keefe blurted out, his eyes showing clearly conflicted emotions.

Alden shook his head. "Minor injuries, but the council will inform you more on this topic when you meet with them. Clean up quickly, then hurry over there."

They ran towards Everglen, where they changed into fresh clothes and leapt to Eternalia.

The reached the Ceremonial Hall to see the entire elvin population present, plus the twelve councillors.

Nobody said a word as the group marched forward to take their spots in front of the council.

Emery cleared his throat and rose.

"To start off, thank you all for coming. Secondly, nobody was seriously injured during today's incidents, thanks to our brilliant physicians and alchemists. And Thirdly," he paused there, waiting for the words to sink in before continuing. "We will be appointing new Regents."

There was a collective gasp. Regents were the pawns of the council. They had the power to do whatever they wanted as long as the end goal fit the council's needs. They usually became violent and bloodthirsty, so this method had died out over the centuries.

Sophie was so lost in her thoughts, she only looked up when Councillor Alina put the Regent tiara on her hair.

The stone was bloodred, as were the clasps and the cloaks. It felt like someone had just dumped thousands of pounds of pressure onto her, and she was being forced to carry it.

"New Regents, rise!" Emery commanded.

Sophie and her friends rose, and something clicked. Like now they could do anything, and their negative emotions were amplified by a thousand.

"The attack at the Celestial Festival was unprovoked! By attacking, these puny rebel groups have declared war! Regents, your first order, find and decimate these rebel groups!" Emery commanded.

The only thought in Sophie's mind; Nothing was ever going to be the same again.

Ok so I know that was kinda short, but I had to end it there, cause that's part 1! Part 2 chapter 1, that's what's coming next!

Also did you get the Hades reference? And the tyrant one? The Hades one was PJO, and the tyrant one was dsmp.

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