Attack of the Clones

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Biana smiled. But it was fake.

"What did you say, outcast?" Biana said sweetly, batting her eyelashes.

The girl rolled her eyes.

"I said, who asked?" the girl said.

Biana gritted her teeth and the girl smiled.

Her gaze went to the outcast table. Everyone there was smiling, but the boy from before had concern in his eyes.

"Do you know who you're messing with, daughter of a bitch?" Biana said, putting on her fake smile again.

"You're right. My mother is a bitch. And yes, didn't you tell me when literally nobody asked? You're Biana Vacker." she said, pretending to examine her nails.

"You asked for it. Stina, Maruca!" Biana yelled.

Stina and Maruca came and pushed the girl into the wall. If the girl was surprised, she didn't show it, and looked up with boredom. She didn't even attempt to get out of their grip, although it looked like she easily could.

"Listen here. Nobody insults me." Biana said, and punched the girl in the stomach.

The girl didn't even flinch. Instead she and the whole table of outcasts burst into laughter.

"T-that was pathetic!" The girl said, once she had calmed down.

"I'm sorry, nobody says that to my sister." Fitz said, who had gotten up to stand next to Biana.

"Oh? Well I'm not sorry, and I never will be." the girl said, snickering.

"Oh yeah? Well you will be." Fitz said, then he punched the girl in the nose. There was a sickening crack, and blood started pouring out.

"What the fuck!" the boy from earlier got up and grabbed Fitz by the shoulders, slamming him into the wall.

"Tam leave it, he's not worth it." the girl said tiredly, as she fixed her nose, with another sickening crack.

Tam begrudgingly let go of Fitz. However, that was a mistake, because then Keefe came up and put him into a neck hold.

"You see, nobody messes with my Fitzypoo." he hissed into Tam's ear.

The girl from earlier punched Keefe in the face and grabbed his hair, pulling him to the ground, before sitting on top of him with her fist raised.

"Hey what the f-" Keefe said, then suddenly stopped.

They stared into each other's eyes.

"Fuck." he softly whispered, but it echoed across the room.

"That's all you have to say? Wow. Pathetic." The girl said, getting angry.

"Well it's not my fault!" Keefe retorted, struggling to throw the girl off him.

"What. Did. You. Say." The girl hissed, each word laced with venom.

Sophie was confused. What wasn't Keefe's fault?

Tam wrapped his arms around the girl, murmuring something into her ear. Slowly, she got up. She looked like she was about to leave but Biana got in her way.

"Uh uh, I want an explanation." Biana said, eyeing Tam.

The girl seems to notice this, and laughed.

"Oh looky here Tam, I think Miss Perfect has a crush on you!" the girl said with pure glee.

Tam and the rest of the outcasts roared with laughter, especially the other girl with silver tipped hair.

Biana looked hurt.

A KOTLC fanfic - OutcastsWhere stories live. Discover now