The Last Jedi

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"What color would you like the splotcher to be, Miss Ruewen?" the instructor said. Typical. Discrimination.

"Actually, I think she should choose. That way she'll be more embarrassed when I beat her." Sophie said smugly.

"Ooh that's easy. Red. Blood red." Jocelyn said, snickering.

The instructor looked hesitant but gave them a blood red splotcher.

Jocelyn had a trick. She was going to do a brain push combined with some outward channeling. She knew Sophie was going to do a brain push, so this should her an edge.

She concentrated on putting a small explosive inside the splotcher, and when the instructor called to splotch, she pushed the splotcher with her brain push and let the dynamite blow up.

She opened her eyes, and saw Sophie against the wall, covered in paint which made her look she was bleeding, her eyes were open, and she was staring and Jocelyn in shock.

Keefe rushed to help Sophie up, and gave Jocelyn an angry look.

"Uh- the winner is Miss Jocelyn, from Level 5!" the instructor said, clearly perplexed by this turn of events.

All her friends came and congratulated her. She didn't deny that it felt nice. She gave those stupid brats a smug look.

They were dismissed for lunch.

They were laughing and talking, about the usual things, when the higher class came in front of them.

"What do you want?" Linh said, with a fake smile.

"Nothing. Just to tell you to stay the fuck out our lives." Fitz spat out.

"Yeah- cause that's gonna work out so well with the detentions and project."  Jensi said sarcastically.

They rolled their eyes and walked away.

"That was the stupidest thing I've ever seen, and that's saying something, I live with the triplets." Dex said, shaking his head.

"Yeah that was weird. C'mon we have detention remember?" Tam said.

They went to detention, to see the higher class already there.

Sir Conley was there, reading a book.

"Ah! You are here. Dame Alina has informed me of your ah- unique circumstances, so I will give you this detention to work on your project." Sir Conley said, turning back to his book.

"Great." Jocelyn said through gritted teeth.

"Ok, we should get started. We can do the same thing, just now we can add some devices, like maybe a smoke bomb or whatever you think would be good." Biana said to Dex.

Dex looked surprised that she was letting him choose.

"Uh ok." he said cautiously.

They practiced with the shadows and light until it was time to go.

The ones who didn't manifest went to ability detecting, while some of them went to their ability sessions, and some went to classes.

Sophie POV:

Fitz and Sophie had their telepathy session together.

When they got there, Sir Tiergan had them do trust exercises where they practiced following strings in the others mind.

They had a lot of fun with that, until Sophie found an old and withered string in Fitz's mind.

The string led to a memory of a much younger Fitz eavesdropping on a hail of Alvar's.

A KOTLC fanfic - Outcastsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن