Attack of the Jedi

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Jocelyn POV:

"Erm... hey?" Jocelyn said as she approached  the group at the Leapmaster.

She was followed by Dex, Tam, Linh, Marella, and Jensi.

"Oh, hi!" Biana said.

"Um you guys can use this home crystal, we'll use the Leapmaster at Foxfire." Fitz said, handing them his home crystal.

Home crystals

Haven't seen one of those in a while.

They took the home crystal, joined hands, and leapt away.

Once they reached Everglen, there were these massive blinding gates in front of this humongous house.

Damn this house is big.

They just stared at the house until the other group leapt straight into them.

"Oof!" Jocelyn said, as Keefe toppled straight into her.

"Get off me." Jocelyn snarled, as the pushed Keefe off.

"I- I'm sorry?" Keefe stuttered.

His friends looked at him in shock. Keefe never stuttered.

"Yeah, you should be sorry." Jocelyn grumbled.

"Okay, I don't know what it is between you two, but fix it." Stina said.

"You really wanna know?" Jocelyn hissed.

Keefe trembled.

Biana scoffed and tried to pull them inside. Tried being the operative word.

Jocelyn yelped and pulled away.

"Don't fucking touch me!" she said angrily.

"Hey fuck off would you?" Keefe said tiredly.

"Fuck you. You wanna know what happened? They never hurt you because you were a boy, friends with the Vackers, could get along in life without being perfect.  But if I do one fucking this wrong, they abuse me. So I ran away and never looked back." Jocelyn hissed angrily.

Keefe looked shocked.

"And don't even say it's not your fault, you never asked me how I was, you never cared, you only payed attention to your stupid pranks and hair. The Great Gulon incident? My idea. And when I ran away, you completely forgot about me. You couldn't even recognize me. You let your own sister get pummeled by these bitches, and you were okay with it. I manifested as a Conjurer. Where the fuck were you? Couldn't be bothered enough to care. Now you get why I'm pissed?" Jocelyn finished, her voice hollow.

There were resemblances.

Same frosty eyes, same hair (naturally), same smirk, and the same jaw shape and build.

Keefe turned away and Sophie hugged him, which made Jocelyn's blood boil.

Tam put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Come inside, we need to get started." Fitz said, leading them inside.

They hesitantly followed Fitz into the living room.

"Ok so um... first what are your abilities?" Sophie said.

"I'm a Conjurer and Polyglot." Jocelyn said.

"Ooh cool!" Maruca said. Jocelyn just rolled her eyes.

"I'm a Shade." Tam said. The higher class shared some looks.

"I'm a Hydrokinetic." Linh said shyly.

"I'm a pyrokinetic, you all know that." Marella said, flipping her hair.

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