The last part haunted him even into his sleep. Every horrible scenario ran through his mind, speculating on how she ended up not knowing she was a wolf. Maybe she really was in danger and didn't even know it. Selfishly, that made his spine tingle with unease. How could he knowingly bring danger to his pack? After everything they had been through? The thoughts made him sick to his stomach. He tried not to care, but he had spent his whole life making sure something like this didn't happen. Maybe he hadn't been so lucky. Maybe the goddess was testing him.

That night, he dreamt of her, running with him as a wolf. He dreamt of her eyes staring up into his, her hands on his face, in his hair. She was whispering into his ear, but he couldn't understand what she was saying.

The next day, he restlessly awaited for the time to tick on until he could see her again. His eagerness was palpable around him, his mood significantly better than it had been before. Enough that his closest peers quickly noticed.

It was almost noon when he ran into Kristin and Carter planning for a new drainage ditch on the south side of the packland to divert some of the pooling water that had appeared after a few recent storms. Carter grinned almost as soon as he saw his Alpha, his wide easy grin glinting in the subtle light that filtered down from the low hanging clouds. They were dark, promising rain. Beck couldn't help but smile back.

"What's up?" Carter grinned wider, pleasantly surprised to see his Alpha's good mood.

"Yeah, what is up?" Kristin raised a suspicious eyebrow.

"Nothing," Beck sobered and shot them each a look that they both rolled their eyes at.

"Come on," Carter almost whined. "Please share the good news, I've had a shit morning."

"He has, Andrew kicked him out of the house earlier. I found him pouting." Kristin piped up, a mischievous smile on her face.

"Not fucking cool, Kris." Carter growled.

"What did you do to Andrew?" Beck narrowed his eyes playfully at his second.

"Nothing!" Carter barked.

Kristin rolled her eyes again and tossed her hands up, "Goddess, fuck. Beck, just tell us what's good."

Carter narrowed his own eyes on the Alpha, looking over the slight uptilt of his lips and the way the corners of his eyes creased very slightly. He gasped.

"What?" Kristin snapped.

"He found her," Carter's mouth is agape.

Beck's head snaps to him, his eyes wide. "How did you know?"

"You did?" Carter and Kristin say in unison.

Beck runs a hand over his face, sighing.

"He did," Kristin confirms, shaking her head with a laugh. "That's amazing, Beck! Where is she?"

"It's... complicated." Beck swallows. He hadn't quite prepared to tell anyone yet, especially not the pack. Not until he figured out what was going on.

"How so?" Carter's head tipped to the side inquisitively.

"Well, she's a wolf... But she doesn't know she's a wolf." The line of the Alpha's brows drew together, the crease between them displaying his own concern on the matter.

"I don't understand," Kristin murmurs softly.

"How does she not know?" Carter interjects. The both of them could sense his unease about the matter and it made them shift uncertainly. It was a rare day that their Alpha was on edge and presented it to them. Scaring the Alpha had been fairly difficult since their pack had been ripped to shreds by Thadal.

ALPHA BECKWhere stories live. Discover now