༺ღ༒ 001 ༒ღ༻

Start from the beginning

'Tomorrow night.' Henry smiled as he vigorously sketched on the paper occasionally glancing up at me.

'That's soon.' I furrowed my brows watching Eleven take my pawn.

'Yes,' he adjusted himself in the chair and licked his lips 'Wait do you want to bring Eleven white us?'

'I- well yes, she is a strong little girl and I want to save her from this prison.' I took Elevens knight.

'I doubt that she would tolerate the killing of the other experiments.' Henry made a point, she would not approve of our plan.

'You know that pipe in the basement?' An idea popped in my head.

'Yes?' Henry dragged the s.

'That pipe lead to the forest right outside of the building and its big enough to crawl through, she could go through there then we could do our part of the plan then run out of the front door and meet her out there.' I explained glancing over at Henry making eye contact for a few seconds then looking away.

'Hm, that could work but we would need to keep the cameras out for a good 10-ish minutes. Do you think you can do that?' He asked calmly.

'I could keep them out for hours if I wanted to.' I chuckled lightly.

'Meet me in the bathroom, I want to show you something.'He stood up and walked to the guard asking for the bathroom, the guard nodded and Henry left the room through one of the doors going down the hall.

'Okay?' I muttered finishing the game with Eleven.

"Check mate," I looked up smirking "Good game Eleven, keep practicing your powers." I stood up following after Henry.

"Where do you think your going Zero?" The guard asked me.

"To the bathroom Dr-," I leaned in looking at the name tag on his left breast. "Hart." I stood back straight up again, looking Dr.Hart in the eyes and smiling kindly.
His anger faded and he smiled back at me.

"Okay well make sure you come right back here when your done, no dilly dallying." He grinned.

"Yes Dr. Hart." I smiled tilting my head to the side a little as I turned back to the door and walked through.
I walked down the hall and to the bathrooms, I wasn't sure if Henry would be hiding in the women's bathroom or the men's so I just went in to the women's and used my mind to call out to him.
When I got no response I walked up to the sink and turned it on, I cupped my hands and collected some cold water.
I put it to my face and the freezing water made my senses spike, a shiver went down my spine and I let out a sigh. Water dribbled down my chin and nose, it gathered on my eyelashes and ran into my eyes.
I blinked it out and shook my head, I grabbed a paper towel and dried off.
I balled the paper towel into a ball and threw it across the room to the trash can.

Then I felt hot air being exhaled on to my skin and I straightened my back, then a hand snaked around my waist gripping on to my side then spinning me around to look at them.

"Good aim" He smirked and let go of my waist and blacking his hand in his pocket.

"Thank you,"I smile lightly "Now what did you want to show me?"

"Here Zero." Henry looked nervous as he handed me a folded piece of paper.
I opened it slowly, I could feel the anxiety rippling off of Henry the slower I went. He started fighting and darting his eyes up and down from my hands to my face.
I held back laughter as he made angry faces.

"I swear to fucking god if you don't just open that up I will take it away." He frowned at me.

"Fine fine." I giggled.
I unfolded it and saw drawings of me and Eleven sitting at the table playing chess, then next to it some drawings of my face and my hands holding pawns.
They were beautifully drawn, my eyes widened and I looked up at him , I had no clue he was an artist.

༺ღ༒ Murder's Log ༒ღ༻ (Henry Creel and 000 tale) A Stranger Things fan fictionWhere stories live. Discover now