"Why's that guy watching those two people?"

How dare this kid try and blow my cover like this?! I've tried my damn hardest until now to be sneaky so I'm not going to get caught right here.

I didn't want to yell at the kid because that'd blow my cover AND I'd feel a little bad, I guess. So instead, I just gave the kid the meanest piercing glare that I could. I guess I scared him since his eyes got teary as he began to apologize for bothering me. I've never seen a kid run away as fast as that kid did.

Serves him right...

Now that my cover was safe once again, I turned my head back around and sighed in relief.

But of course, my relief didn't last for long. I felt my heart stop once more when I realized that Nayeon and Sangwook were nowhere in sight. They were long gone already.

"You've got to be kidding me," I croaked, tightening my grip on the tree, "Why is nothing going my way today?"

After sprinting non-stop to the JYP building, I was exhausted and my legs hurt. Turning the corner to get to the entrance of the JYP building, I froze and retreated behind the corner when I saw that Sangwook was already waiting there for Nayeon.

Pulling my phone out, I called my mom and told her that I'd be getting home late.

"Alright then... Just be careful, okay?"

"I know, I know... I will be..." I answered.

Ending the phone call, I peeked around the corner and saw that Sangwook was still there. Juwon was correct when he told me what Sangwook had said in the bathroom. The Kishi was serious about the vow that he declared.

It's a shame that I'm stubborn as well. Like Sangwook, I'll just stay here until Nayeon gets here.  I just need to make sure that he doesn't see me.  The last thing that I needed was an interrogation from him.

I found a bench and decided to sit there as I waited for Nayeon to leave. If I had to guess, I knew that I'd be here for a while so I just put on some earbuds and started listening to music as I watched the world around me.




I've been waiting here for 3 hours?  Or was it 4..?  Or maybe it was 5?  Either way, I've been waiting here for a long ass time that I was getting visibly irate.  It was close to 9 PM and I stopped keeping track of the time at this point.

The entire time was spent glancing at Sangwook's silhouette and listening to music.  For all the time that I spent here, he didn't even move a fucking muscle and I was impressed truthfully.  It was like Sangwook was a scarecrow or something with the way he just stayed ever so peacefully in one spot.

Suddenly, I saw a whole ton of people exit the JYP building all at once.  I'm guessing that these were the trainees since each one of them looked sweaty, tired, and all-around disheveled in both appearance and spirit.

Those poor souls... seems like being a trainee is hard as hell...

Out of instinct, I quickly stood up and tried to pick Nayeon's face out from the crowd of trainees.  I wanted to yell 'IM WHERE ARE YOU?' from the top of my lungs with the hopes that she'd recognize me, but I was exhausted myself.

Plus, that'd be rude on my end, considering that all of these trainees would be the victim of an earful when all they want to do is go home and rest.

To sit in one place for hours at a time while waiting for ANYTHING to happen was mentally exhausting.  Truthfully speaking, I don't even know how I was able to do that without getting tired at all. I guess I had an iron will in the past... Considering that I'd do anything for Nayeon's sake, that was explainable.

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