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Lavender pov
2 years later

The doorbell rang though out my apartment causing me to groan softly and open my eyes slowly

Amber who was still asleep behind me stirred slightly

"Who is that, baby?" she whispered tiredly and tightened her grip on my waist

"I don't know... let me go see though" I twisted my head to kiss her's and she reluctantly removed her arms

I sat up and looked at my phone that was on my nightstand

3:26am.... who could possibly be at my door at this ungodly hour

I got out of bed, slipping on my robe to cover my slightly naked body since I was only in a sports bra and shorts

The doorbell ringed again and I rolled my eyes, so impatient

I cut on the living room light and opened the door.

It was a dark skinned lady. She was bald and had a black eye. Her clothes were torn with specks of blood on it. She looked majorly skinny like she hadn't ate in months

Despite what she looked like I knew exactly who this was... I never forgot her

"E-Elizabeth?" I asked just to be sure and rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't delusional

When she left after that petty argument we had I didn't see her the next day, or the day after. Five days turned into two weeks, two weeks turned into three months, three months turned into a year, and a year turned into two.

She looked like she was going to burst into tears and ran into my chest

"Lavender" she breathed in my scent deeply

Concerned, I pulled her into my house and shut the door

I hugged her back but after a few seconds I pulled back and stepped away

"Y-you left. You left me, w-why are you back?" I shakily asked

Her shiny brown eyes looked up at me with so much pain and sadness I almost broke down but held myself together

I sat down on my couch and she came to stand in front of me

[TW: Drugging, Rap3 mention & Abuse]

"I didn't leave. B-baby I promise I didnt leave. After that argument I...I went to the park to cool down. While sitting on a bench for about twen-twenty minutes a cloth was placed over my mouth and in attempt to scream I br-breath in the chemicals. I passed out. I woke up the next day in a d-dark room, it was cold and I was chained to the wall. Ty-Tyler kidnapped me. He walked into the room and beat the shit out of me... with his m-mom sometimes. That went on for the last two years. He'd beat me to a pulp for anything, r-rape me when he felt like it, and starved me because.... because he said I deserved it and that i was f-fat anyway. Lavender, my literal fucking r-rib cages are showing" she stammered, sobbing between words. She lifted up the torn top and I could not only see her rib cages but scars, old and freshly opened wounds

By now she was in tears. Her eyes puffy as she couldnt even make eye contact with me. I was also crying. How could I not? She was in pain for the last two years while I selfishly.... selfishly thought she was ignoring me. I thought she'd ghosted me while whole time she was fighting for her life against her abusive husband

Sobbing I pulled her into me carefully by her waist and made her straddle me

"I- I'm so sorry, baby" I cried, "Please f-forgive me"

I rubbed her back but she hissed between a cry making me pull my hand away

"He- he whipped me too. Everything hurts Lavender and i'm so so t-tired. But he's put away now. I managed to get a video of him abusing me, sent it to the cops right before he broke the phone I had. I escaped the next day to get a phone so I could call the cops. 25 years in person, Lavender, 25 years. They will do him just right in prison I know it" I could feel her tears fall down my neck making me bite my lip to hold back a angry scream

"Im so sorry you had to go through that" I whispered and rubbed her bald head instead

"Honey? Who was it?" I heard Amber and turned my head around slightly to see her coming in the living room while rubbing her eyes tiredly

Elizabeth sat up. "H-honey?" she repeated with wide eyes as she slid off my lap

"No-" I reached for her but she backed away from my touch

"Who is this?" Amber asking as she eyed Elizabeth. "Lavender why the fuck is a homeless woman in our living room?"

I stood up, getting defensive for Elizabeth

"She isn't a homeless woman and you wont speak to her like that"

"Then who the hell is she? why she's all up in your lap?" Amber screamed

"I'm sorry I- I shouldn't have came... it- it's clear you've moved on" Elizabeth sniffed and turned around

"Yes the fuck she has moved on you black bald bitch so get out" Amber yelled

[Tell me why tf my own eyes widen while re-reading like i didnt write ts 😭💀]

My eyes widen. "What the fuck, Amber?! No elizabeth" I grabbed her wrist making her jump and I slowly let it go. "Im sorry. Just don't go please. Amber you go..." I turned back to the red head who looked furious but then shocked


"You heard me. Get the fuck out!" I screamed and pointed to my door

She scoffed. "I never fucking loved you anyway! Your money was all I needed" she stomped over to my door, purposely bumping into Elizabeth who nearly fell over from the impact but I caught her before her weak body could fall to the floor

Amber slammed the door on her way out and I pulled Elizabeth into a hug causing her to break down

"I- I didn't m-mean-"

"It's okay" I whispered and pulled her back so she'd look in my eyes

Her tired eyes looked into mine and I felt the urge to kiss her

So I did.....

Another year later....

"And you may now kiss the bride"

Smiling widely I smashed my lips against Elizabeth's and ran my fingers through her short curly hair

The crowd cheered and clapped as I bent her back like they did in the movies

Laughing with her head thrown back Elizabeth stood back up straight

"Now lets go have some hot steamy sex in the penthouse in Bahamas" she whispered against my lips while looking me in the eyes

"Really?" I grinned and pecked her lips

"Yes, my gorgeous wife"

"It'll be my pleasure, Mrs. Carson" I pulled her back into another deep kiss

"I love you" she mumbled once pulling back again

"I love you more" I closed my eyes feeling like I was in heaven as I rubbed my nose against hers

"Now lets go get drunk with my sisters before we set off!" She screamed and ran down the four stairs as best as she could in her heels

I laughed and followed after my crazy wife


[Sniff sniff. Happy fucking endings as always 🥲. Thank you all for reading this story and I hope you enjoyed it. I dropped a few tears while writing this not even going to lie but tell anyone and I'll choke you. I'm to gangsta to be cryin out here like a lil bitch. Anyway I enjoyed all u guys company especially the ones thats been in my last books. I love all the new comers and recurring comers. For the ones that dont know- dont leave my page just yet. More new stories to be posted!]

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